Research Methods

International and Public Affairs concentrators are required to take two methods courses, one in qualitative methods, and one in quantitative methods. These two research methods courses complement the concentration’s substantive courses in important ways. Substantive, topically-focused courses (i.e., the junior and senior seminars, track electives, etc.) emphasize important skills of analysis and critical thinking, as well as deeper study of particular topics and regions. Research methods courses, then, teach students specific tools of analysis that will be used in senior honors or capstone projects.

Qualitative methods 

To fulfill the qualitative methods requirement, International and Public Affairs concentrators may take any of the following courses:

  • ANTH 1940 Ethnographic Research Methods
  • BIOL 1575 Evaluation of Health Information Systems
  • EDUC 1100 Intro to Qualitative Research Methods
  • EDUC 1240 Qualitative Research Methods
  • IAPA 1500A Ethnographic Research Methods
  • IAPA 1500B Modes of Social Change (Classes 2024-27 only)
  • IAPA 1500C Qualitative Research Methods (Classes 2024-27 only)
  • SOC 1020 Methods of Social Research
  • SOC 1260 Market Research in Public and Private Sectors
  • SOC 1340 Principles and Methods of Geographic Information Systems
  • SOC 1117 Focus Groups for Market and Social Research

In exceptional circumstances, with the concentration advisor’s consent, students may take an alternative qualitative methods course offered on campus at Brown.

Quantitative methods

To fulfill the quantitative methods requirement, International and Public Affairs concentrators may take any of the following courses:

  • APMA 1650  Statistical Inference
  • CLPS 0900 Statistical Methods
  • CSCI 0300 Introduction to Computation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Classes 2024-27 only)
  • CSCI 0111 Computing Foundations: Data
  • ECON 1620 Introduction to Econometrics
  • EDUC 1110 Intro Statistics for Education Research and Policy Analysis
  • EDUC 1230 Applied Statistics for Ed Research and Policy Analysis
  • IAPA 1502 What Works: Evaluating the Impact of Social Programs
  • POLS 1600 Political Research Methods
  • SOC 1100 Intro Statistics For Social Research

Language study as a substitute for one of the above methods requirements

The International and Public Affairs concentration recognizes the importance of language study as an important tool for research and understanding. Language study, though not required, is strongly encouraged and rewarded in the International and Public Affairs concentration. Learn more about language placement exams.

  • Students may substitute one of the concentration’s two required research methods -- either the qualitative or quantitative research methods course -- with successful completion of a Brown or Brown-approved language instruction course at the 0400 level or above.
  • Bilingual courses do not count.
  • The upper-level language course must be taken for a grade.