Students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance and scholarly achievement in the International and Public Affairs concentration have the opportunity to be recommended for graduation with honors.
Students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance and scholarly achievement in the International and Public Affairs concentration have the opportunity to be recommended for graduation with honors.
- Students submit an application in the spring of junior year or 6th semester. Mid-year graduates apply one semester early, in their 5th semester at Brown. (This enables mid-year graduates to fulfill the Fall IAPA 1816A- Spring 1817A sequence and present their research in the Honors Conference in May of their 7th semester.)
- Class of 2026 applications DUE Friday, April 11, 2025 by 5 p.m.
- Applications are reviewed by the faculty committee and students are notified of their status by mid-May. Only students with approved thesis applications will be admitted to the senior thesis seminar in the fall.
- Completion of required courses. Have completed by the end of the 6th semester junior year: the Gateway course, the Track Foundational Course, the Junior Seminar, the two-course methodology requirement (or language study option and one methodology course), and at least three track electives.
NOTE students graduating AFTER 2026 will not be permitted to substitute language instruction for one of the research methods courses.
We strongly recommend that honors students take both qualitative and quantitative methods courses to have a full toolkit of skills as they start their theses. Students who are conducting research in another language should also, of course, achieve proficiency in that language before starting their research.
We also strongly recommend that students take at least one elective related to their proposed thesis topic before senior year.
- Two-thirds “quality grades” in the concentration. A “quality grade” is defined as a grade of “A” or a grade of “S” accompanied either by a designation of “with distinction” or by a course performance report (CPR) indicating performance at the “A” standard.
- A complete application form. The application includes: the signature of the primary thesis advisor (first reader), the signature of the second reader, and an essay describing the research question, significance, research design, preliminary hypothesis, and research preparation, along with a preliminary bibliography.
Who can be a Thesis Advisor/First Reader?
Any member of the Watson faculty, associated faculty, or faculty members with a PhD from any of the five core affiliated departments (Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, History, or Economics) who is interested and knowledgeable about your topic and who is in residence at Brown for both semesters of your senior year. You must have acquired a First Reader in order to apply to the Honors Program.
Who can be a Second Reader?
Any member of Brown's teaching faculty or a PhD student who is interested, knowledgeable, and willing to serve. Second Readers must be acquired no later than mid-September senior year.
How often should I meet with my First Reader?
At least once every two weeks, and perhaps once a week, beginning at the start of the fall term. It is imperative that you establish a regular meeting time early in September. It may not always be necessary to meet in person—emails and Zoom are often helpful—but it is always good to have a time set aside when you KNOW you can talk with your First Reader. Use these meetings wisely. Some advisors require students submit something in writing beforehand to guide progress. In any case, be prepared with a prioritized list of questions or points to discuss.
How often should I meet with my Second Reader?
Usually, much less often than with your First Reader. The First Reader is your primary advisor; the Second Reader MAY choose to be more involved, or you may invite such involvement, but the Second Reader is generally consulted much less regularly. The Second Reader may have expertise in a particular aspect of the thesis and may be particularly helpful early in the project in guiding you to sources, during your research on a particular chapter, and in the final draft. We recommend meeting with your Second Reader once in the fall, and once again in the spring.
Receiving Honors
Requirements for Honors in IAPA
- Complete the senior thesis seminar in the fall of senior year and complete the independent study class with their primary thesis advisor (first reader) in the spring of senior year.
- Submit an honors quality thesis (of 80-120 pages in length) by the deadline, as judged by the student’s thesis committee – the primary thesis advisor and the second reader. Both readers must submit a written evaluation of the thesis. In the event of a lack of consensus, a member of the Faculty Committee will also evaluate the thesis.
- Complete an oral presentation on the thesis at the annual IAPA thesis conference in the spring of senior year.
Does everyone who writes a thesis get Honors?
While the great majority of submitted theses do receive Honors, not all of them do. A thesis that is not based on original research or is not rigorous according to the standards and conventions of academic thesis writing will not receive honors. While all students who complete a thesis will receive a grade for their work, only theses with a grade of A are considered for an Honors degree. Theses submitted late are ineligible to receive honors.
The Thesis
How long is an IAPA thesis?
There is no page requirement. Most IAPA theses, however, are organized around 5 or 6 chapters and have 80 to 120 pages. Students are strongly encouraged to read theses from previous years. Thesis abstracts and presentation slides from recent years are available on the IAPA website and will give students a sense of the broad range of topics, research questions, and approaches.
What if I want to do a thesis in an unorthodox format, such as a documentary or a website, or coauthor a project with a friend?
A thesis is an individual research project that follows a set of conventions that make it a thesis. Therefore, students must follow standard research and formal writing protocols for thesis work. Only thesis work is eligible for Honors in IAPA. Alternative projects may be undertaken as an Independent Study or as one of the one semester capstone projects, but not as a thesis.
Can I use the senior thesis I am writing for my other concentration for IAPA honors?
No. The IAPA Honors Program does not accept a thesis submitted for another concentration. Likewise, an IAPA thesis may not be used as a senior thesis in another department.
Honors concentrators in IAPA can apply for summer thesis funding. Deadline for summer research is May 16th, 2025.
Thesis Conference
Thesis Titles 2021-2024
Year | Last | First | Working Title |
2024 | Bernold | Lizzy | Working on Working Conditions in Congress |
2024 | Brinson | Emory | Building a Better Foundation: State Takeovers, State Pre-K, and Communities in Conflict |
2024 | Danker | Logan | Zoning for Climate Change: How and When Climate Interest Groups Engage in Zoning Reforms |
2024 | Forys | William | The Long Road to a State-sanctioned Supervised Consumption Site in Rhode Island |
2024 | Jo | Alice | COVID-19 Pandemic Archives: Diversity in Archives of Crisis During the First Digital Pandemic |
2024 | Lehman | Alexandra | Imagined Bodies in Imagined Communities: (Re) Producing the Nation in Bosnia and Herzegovnia |
2024 | Minkoff | Ethan | The Crossroads of Defense: Analyzing Contention Surrounding Domestic Social Issues in the Defense Authorization Processes of 1994 and 2024 |
2024 | Pierce | Siri | Choosing Change: The Effects of Intradistrict Choice Amid Diversification in Portland Public Schools |
2024 | Stronski | Isa | Peace Education: The Potential of Schooling to Promote Societal Healing and Reconstruction After Genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda |
2024 | Ulgen | Ayca | Foreign Interventions in the Age of Computational Propaganda: Diminishing the Effects of Foreign Authoritarian States' Computational Public Opinion Intervention Efforts on an Interface Level |
2024 | Amesur | Akshay | The Dose for Development: The Role of Political Economy and Academic Infrastructure in Pharmaceutical Innovation |
2024 | Azazoglu | Eva | Beyond Borders and Beliefs: The Influence of Institutionalized Religion on National Identity Formation Among Ethnic Minorities |
2024 | Schwerdtfeger | Annie | Effective Service Providers: Rebel Groups in Complex Emergencies |
2024 | Shammash | Gabrielle | Reassessing the Measurement of Cash Transfer Effectiveness: "The Lifecycle Freamework" |
2024 | Sheppe | Spencer | Language Policy, National Identity, and Unity: A Multi-Level Analysis |
2024 | Singh | Salonee | Reassessing Detainee Repatriation: Negotiations Between the U.S. and Third-Party Countries Over the Detainees of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
2024 | Trendell | Elliott | Private Violence in International Conflict: State Decision-Making Under an Accountability Dilemma |
2024 | Yee-Wadsworth | Sofia | Shifting Powers in a Changing World: A Critical Framework for Examining Competition Between a Hegemon and a Rising Power |
2023 | Aguilar Dellisanti | Valerie | Dismantling Gender Inequality in the Household and the Market: Microfinance and Women’s Unpaid Labor Dilemma—A Credit-Unpaid Labor Model Through Household Technological Adoption in Peru |
2023 | Anuszewski | Maguire | The Impact of Telehealth on Rural Health Care - Comparatively Analyzing Care Pre and Post COVID-19 with a F ocus on Maine. |
2023 | Auriemo | Bianca | District of Development: A Relational Ethnography of the Washington DC International Development Ecosystem |
2023 | Bandler | Johanna | Politics of Health Care Reform in Vermont |
2023 | Brown | Erik | True to Their Roots or a New Shade of Green? The Evolution of the German Green Party’s Position Toward NATO (1980–1999) |
2023 | Carbajal | Abigail | The Impact of Armed Conflict on Women’s Migration Decisions: An Analysis of the Guatemalan Civil War and Sendero Luminoso |
2023 | Giordano | Simon | Pilot Agencies and the Origins of Late Industrial Development: A Comparative Case Study of Developmental State Institutions |
2023 | Goldenberg | Caitlin (Katie) | "Responsibility to Protect" & its Effects on Forced Displacement: Humanitarian in Principle or Practice? |
2023 | Hahn | Adeline | Different Paths: The Politics of Medicaid Expansion in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota |
2023 | Haji | Ariana | Ad Astra! Cooperation Between Hegemonic Powers: A Contextual Framework for Understanding Collaboration between the United States and Russia on the International Space Station |
2023 | Kells | Olwyn | The Strategic Logic of Lawfare in State-to-State Coercion |
2023 | Lee | Annette | The Impact of Immigration on Democratic Consolidation: Political Culture, Trust, and the Case of South Korea |
2023 | Maselli | Gerilyn | Unintended Audiences of Intra-Alliance Signaling |
2023 | McMahon | Leo | “Freedom Is not Won with Flowers”: An Operational Analysis of the American Occupations of Cuba (1906-1909), Haiti (1915-1934), and Nicaragua (1927-1933) |
2023 | Murphy | Meagan | Success of Peripheral Diplomacy? Cambodia’s Small State Alignment with China Since 2000 |
2023 | Mutta | Yohan | The Rich Man’s Road: The Indelible Mark of the Nairobi Expressway & the Modern Kenyan State's Approach to Development |
2023 | Nelli | Catherine | Between Empire and Post-Colonial Nation-Building: A Case Study of French India’s Decolonization in Chandernagore and Pondicherry (1947-1954). |
2023 | Shapiro | Ameila | Technical Sophistication and the Decision to Use Cyber Attacks: The Cases of China and Russia |
2023 | Spencer-Blume | Amienne | Disembodying Bodies: Reconceptualizing Gait Recognition Technology as Hegemonic Artifact |
2023 | Tukpah | Nailah | Prioritizing Black Girl’s Educational Experiences: Policy Recommendations to Eliminate Black Girl’s School to Prison Pipeline |
2023 | Wilke | Tucker | Facilitation, Distribution, and Execution of Debt-based Climate Finance in Global South Cities |
2023 | Yepes | Isabella | The Correlation Between Democracy Assistance, Counterterrorism, and the Quality of Democracy: Evaluating Changes in the Effects of U.S. Aid to Colombia (2000-2011) |
2023 | Youngwood | Benjamin | Breaking Down Gerrymandering: Conceptions of Fairness in Municipal Level Redistricting |
2022 | Beckwith | Isabelle | The Effects of the Rhode Island Hospital Merger on Access to Care for Vulnerable Populations |
2022 | Bendicksen | Liam | Paternalism, Neglect, and Promise at the Margins of Federal Policy: Mapping the Elusive Right to Health Care in the United States |
2022 | Hodges | Claire | Domestic Violence and Police Avoidance: Evaluating barriers to reporting and alternatives to policing intimate partner violence |
2022 | Loh | Jian Cong | One Belt, One Road, One Community? Implications of Chinese Development Finance for ASEAN Regionalism |
2022 | MacKenzie | Lachlan | Great Power Competition and Russia’s New Nuclear Weapons |
2022 | McKeever | Eamon | Ethics and Efficacy: A Study of the Efficacy of Future Technologies in Conflict as a Result of Human Perceptions of Ethical Ramifications |
2022 | Moore | Dylan | Attitudes towards Women as Predictors of Human Trafficking |
2022 | Moraveg | Leonardo | The lack of Democratic Consolidation in Mexico: Detriments of the “Myth of Mestizaje” |
2022 | Steinberg | Andrew | Tip of the Spear: Deported US Veterans and the Strategic Use of Respectability Politics |
2022 | Susini | Anna | Institutional Change and Democratic Deepening: Examining the 2019-20 Chilean Protests' Call for Constitutional Replacement |
2022 | Teng | Yue Yue (Emily) | Creative Commons Zero: A legal analysis of open access initiatives and digital repatriation in museums -- OR -- A decentralized museum: cultural heritage, copyright law in the digital realm |
2022 | Lowden | Finnian | Unlikely Partners: Corporate Philanthropy and the Environmental Movement |
2021 | Kim | Elaina | Provocations as Engagement: Korea’s Foreign Policy Strategy in 2017 |
2021 | Kumleben | Emma | Constructing Arenas of Great Power Competition: Policymaking Narratives and the Globalization of US-China Competition |
2021 | Reice | Alexandra | What is the Capacity for Institutional Learning? An Analysis of the IMF in South Africa and the Ivory Coast |
2021 | Banfield | Grace | Recasting the Iron Triangle Fails to Serve our Nation’s Veterans: Partial Privatization of the VHA under the Veterans Choice and VA MISSION Acts |
2021 | Belleza | Isabelle | Desegregating Suburban School Districts: Understanding Challenges and Evaluating Practices for Effective Policy Implementation |
2021 | Bennett | Katherine | A Nation of Growth and Decline: Charter Schools and the Broken Promise for Efficiency and Equity in American Public Education |
2021 | Kasthuri | Viknesh | Defensive Medicine: An Elusive Beast |
2021 | Kim | Audrey | Holding States Accountable: The Politics of Open Records Laws at the Subnational Level |
2021 | Shapiro | Audrey | Innovation in Practice: A Program Evaluation of Young Entrepreneurs of Providence (YEP!) |
2021 | Skahill | Emily | The Price of Liberty: Implications of Digital Contact Tracing for Privacy, Public Health, and the Economy |
2021 | Vakil | Mandana | The Invisibility Problem: A Study of the Implementation of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act using Two State Case Studies |
2021 | Winton | Lucia | Private Wealth for Public Good? A Critical Examination of The Role of Philanthropic Foundations in American Democracy |