Elective Courses

Students must take 5 electives from the list of pre-approved courses to satisfy the requirement. 

AFRI 0090An Introduction to Africana StudiesDEV  
AFRI 0670Global Black RadicalismDEV SEC
AFRI 1075Providence Housing Ecosystem, Development, Displacement and GentrificationDEVPOL/GOV 
AFRI 1085The Black Vote: A Critical Interrogation of a Concept POL/GOV 
AFRI 1090Black Freedom Struggle Since 1945DEVPOL/GOV 
AFRI 1100CRacial Slavery and Empire in an Age of Global CapitalDEV SEC
AFRI 1170African American Women's HistoryDEVPOL/GOV 
AFRI 1270Slavery, Democracy, and Racial Violence in the AmericasDEVPOL/GOVSEC
AFRI 1360Africana Studies: Knowledge, Texts, and MethodologyDEV  
AFRI 1920Health Inequality in Historical PerspectiveDEVPOL/GOV 
ANTH 0066DWho Owns the Past?DEV  
ANTH 0100Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyDEV  
ANTH 0300Culture and Health POL/GOV 
ANTH 0800Sound and Symbols: Introduction to Linguistic AnthropologyDEV  
ANTH 1125Indigenous ArchaeologiesDEV  
ANTH 1150Middle East in Anthropological PerspectiveDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ANTH 1225Gendering Migration and DiasporasDEV SEC
ANTH 1242Bioethics and Culture POL/GOV 
ANTH 1300Anthropology of Addictions and Recovery POL/GOV 
ANTH 1301Anthropology of HomelessnessDEVPOL/GOV 
ANTH 1310Global Health: Anthropological PerspectivesDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ANTH 1313Are We Really All in This Together?DEV  
ANTH 1315Race, Racialization, and Health POL/GOV 
ANTH 1320Anthropology and DevelopmentDEV  
ANTH 1350Anthropology of Epidemics POL/GOVSEC
ANTH 1515Anthropology of Mental HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
ANTH 1601Reimagining Climate ChangeDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ANTH 1730Violence of the Past  SEC
ANTH 1911Gender and Sexuality in the Middle EastDEVPOL/GOV 
ARCH 1538Heritage Under Fire  SEC
BIOL 1070Biotechnology and Global HealthDEVPOL/GOVSEC
BIOL 1530Emergency Medical Systems POL/GOV 
BIOL 1555Methods in Informatics and Data Science for Health POL/GOV 
CLPS 1250Human Factors POL/GOV 
CLPS 1271Cognition in the Classroom POL/GOV 
CLPS 1750Blame and Punishment POL/GOV 
CLPS 1770Stigma and Prejudice POL/GOV 
CSCI 1360Human Factors in Cybersecurity  SEC
CSCI 1800Cybersecurity and International Relations POL/GOVSEC
CSCI 1805Computers, Freedom, and Privacy POL/GOVSEC
CSCI 1850Cybersecurity Law and Policy POL/GOVSEC
CSCI 1870Cybersecurity Ethics POL/GOVSEC
CSCI 1951ICS for Social Change POL/GOV 
CSCI 1953AAccessible and Inclusive Cybersecurity and Policy POL/GOVSEC
EAST 0650Language, Culture, and Society: KoreaDEV  
EAST 1270China Through the Lens: History, Cinema, and Critical DiscourseDEV  
ECON 0110Principles of EconomicsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ECON 1050Environmental Economics and Policy POL/GOV 
ECON 1070Race, Crime, and Punishment in America POL/GOVSEC
ECON 1110Intermediate MicroeconomicsDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1130Intermediate Microeconomics (Mathematical)DEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1170Welfare Economics and Social Choice Theory POL/GOV 
ECON 1200History of Economic Thought POL/GOV 
ECON 1210Intermediate MacroeconomicsDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1255Unemployment: Models and Policies POL/GOV 
ECON 1301Economics of Education IDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1310Labor Economics POL/GOV 
ECON 1340Economics of Global Warming POL/GOVSEC
ECON 1350Environmental Economics and Policy POL/GOVSEC
ECON 1355Environmental Issues in Development EconomicsDEV  
ECON 1360Health EconomicsDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1370Race and Inequality in the United StatesDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1385Intergenerational Poverty in America POL/GOV 
ECON 1390Inequality of Income, Wealth, and Health in the United StatesDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1410Urban Economics POL/GOV 
ECON 1430The Economics of Social Policy POL/GOV 
ECON 1480Public Economics POL/GOV 
ECON 1487Translating Evidence Into Economic Policy POL/GOV 
ECON 1500Current Global Macroeconomic ChallengesDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ECON 1530Health, Hunger and the Household in Developing CountriesDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1540International TradeDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ECON 1550International FinanceDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1560Economic GrowthDEV  
ECON 1570The Economics of Latin AmericansDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ECON 1590The Economy of China Since 1949DEVPOL/GOVSEC
ECON 1630Mathematical Econometrics I POL/GOV 
EDUC 0100Controversies in Educational Inequality POL/GOV 
EDUC 0820Politics and Public EducationDEVPOL/GOV 
EDUC 0830Sociology of EducationDEVPOL/GOV 
EDUC 0835Comparative EducationDEVPOL/GOV 
EDUC 1190Family Engagement in Education POL/GOV 
EDUC 1225The American Teacher: How Policy Shapes the Profession POL/GOV 
EDUC 1300Schools as Sites of Social Welfare POL/GOV 
EDUC 1310Inside Higher Ed: Sex, Class, and Admissions POL/GOV 
EDUC 1320Turning Hope Into Results POL/GOV 
EDUC 1490Discipline and Punish: Historical Insights POL/GOV 
EDUC 1555Human Development and Education in East AsiaDEV  
EDUC 1615Intro to Community-Based Participatory Research POL/GOV 
EDUC 1620Urban Schools in Historical Perspective POL/GOV 
EDUC 1670Juveniles for Justice: Youth Civic Engagement and Activism POL/GOV 
EDUC 1680Histories of Race and Education in the United States POL/GOV 
EDUC 1765Educational Policy and Program Evaluation in Low and Middle Income CountriesDEVPOL/GOV 
ENGL 1180UTestimony  SEC
ENGN 0020Transforming Society-Technology and Choices for the Future POL/GOV 
ENGN 1800The Social Impact of Emerging Tech POL/GOVSEC
ENVS 0110Humans, Nature, and the EnvironmentDEV  
ENVS 0490Environmental Science in a Changing WorldDEV  
ENVS 0705Equity and the Environment: Movements, Scholarship, SolutionsDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1207Eco-Entrepreneurship POL/GOV 
ENVS 1232Land MattersDEV  
ENVS 1247Clearing the Air: Environmental Studies of Pollution POL/GOV 
ENVS 1350Environmental Economics and PolicyDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1400Sustainable Design in the Built EnvironmentDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1545The Theory and Practice of Sustainable InvestingDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1547Finance and the Environment POL/GOVSEC
ENVS 1552Science, Power and the Corruption of Environmental HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1554Farm Planet: Hunger, Development, and the Future of Food and AgricultureDEV SEC
ENVS 1555Urban Agriculture: The Importance of Localized Food SystemsDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1574Climate Policy Research: Organizations and Obstruction POL/GOVSEC
ENVS 1580Environmental Stewardship and Resilience in Urban SystemsDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1615Climate Change, Human Rights, and the Policy ProcessDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1823Climate, Media, Discourse, and Power POL/GOVSEC
ENVS 1875The Nature of CitiesDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1925Energy Policy and PoliticsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ETHN 1200BContemporary Indigenous Education in North AmericaDEVPOL/GOV 
ETHN 1750AImmigrant Social Movements: Bridging Theory and Practice POL/GOV 
ETHN 1751FRace in US Cities and Suburbs POL/GOV 
FREN 1410TL'expérience des réfugiés: déplacements, migrationsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 0150CLocked Up: A Global History of Prison and Captivity POL/GOVSEC
HIST 0150DRefugees: A Twentieth-Century HistoryDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 0234Modern Latin AmericaDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 0244Understanding the Middle East: 1800s to the PresentDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 0252The American Civil War POL/GOVSEC
HIST 0285AModern Genocide and Other Crimes against Humanity POL/GOVSEC
HIST 0580MThe Age of Revolutions, 1760-1824DEV  
HIST 1032South Africa: Apartheid and AfterDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1080Humanitarianism and Conflict in AfricaDEV SEC
HIST 1081Environmental Justice and Injustice in African HistoryDEV  
HIST 1120At China's EdgesDEV  
HIST 1121The Modern Chinese Nation: An Idea and Its LimitsDEV SEC
HIST 1123Chinese Socialist DreamsDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1240APolitics of Violence in 20C Europe  SEC
HIST 1267The Global British Empire: 1600-PresentDEV SEC
HIST 1320Rebel Island: Cuba, 1492-PresentDEV SEC
HIST 1333The Mexican RevolutionDEV SEC
HIST 1457Understanding the PalestiniansDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1502The Early Republic POL/GOV 
HIST 1507American Politics and Culture Since 1945 POL/GOV 
HIST 1531Political Movements in 20th-Century America POL/GOV 
HIST 1533Cities and Inequality Since 1920: The United States POL/GOV 
HIST 1554American Empire Since 1890DEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1573Energy and Power: An Environmental History of North AmericaDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1620Resisting Empire: Gandhi and the Making of Modern South AsiaDEV  
HIST 1820BThe Environmental History of East AsiaDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1820CSovereignty and Ecology: Law, Land, and Environmental ChangeDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1825JHistory of Artificial Intelligence POL/GOV 
HIST 1952CLatino Urban HistoryDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1954HThe City In Strife: Mapping Segregations, Inequality, Insurrection (also SOC 1954H)DEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1954KAnti-Colonial geographies, temporalities, and Artisanal FormationsDEV  
HIST 1956RAntisemitism and Modern HistoryDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1967LPolitics and Culture Under the Brazilian Military Dictatorship, 1964-1985DEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1968AApproaches to the Middle EastDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1969AIsrael-Palestine Lands and Peoples 1DEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1969CDebates in Middle Eastern HistoryDEV  
HIST 1972JRacial Capitalism and US Liberal Empire POL/GOVSEC
HIST 1974EThe Intellectual History of ImperialismDEV SEC
HIST 1977IGender, Race, and Medicine in the AmericasDEVPOL/GOV 
HMAN 0800BThe Art of International Relations  SEC
HMAN 1977BForeign Policy Worlds  SEC
IAPA 1201BVictory, Defeat, and Everything In-Between POL/GOVSEC
IAPA 1201DSocial Entrepreneurship POL/GOV 
IAPA 1201ENonprofit Organizations POL/GOV 
IAPA 1201FGender and Sexuality in the Middle EastDEVPOL/GOV 
IAPA 1203History of American Intervention POL/GOVSEC
IAPA 1205International LawDEVPOL/GOVSEC
IAPA 1207The Politics of Developing CountriesDEV SEC
IAPA 1208Political Economy of China POL/GOV 
IAPA 1401APublic Opinion Surveys POL/GOV 
IAPA 1402Beyond Sun, Sea and Sand (Contemporary Caribbean)DEVPOL/GOV 
IAPA 1441Caribbean and Latin American Migration: Race, Gender, CommunityDEV  
IAPA 1555The Political Economy of StrategyDEVPOL/GOVSEC
IAPA 1700Economics and Public Policy POL/GOV 
IAPA 1700ENon Profit Organizations POL/GOV 
IAPA 2000Theory and Research in Development IDEV  
IAPA/UNIV 1207Eco-Entrepreneurship POL/GOV 
JUDS 1711History of the State of Israel: 1948 to the PresentDEV SEC
MPA 2231Activating Change for Climate and SustainabilityDEVPOL/GOVSEC
MPA 2735Women in NationsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
PHIL 1560Philosophy of Law POL/GOV 
PHP 1070The Global Burden of DiseaseDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1100Comparative Health Care SystemsDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1300Parenting Behaviors and Child Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1450Covid-19, Public Health, and Health PolicyDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1460Public Health in a Changing World: Law, Policy, and JusticeDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1550Substance Abuse and Vulnerability to Addiction POL/GOV 
PHP 1551Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Policy POL/GOV 
PHP 1580Pandemic Game Changers POL/GOVSEC
PHP 1610Tobacco, Disease and the Industry POL/GOV 
PHP 1650Race, Racism, and Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1670Public Mental Health: A Framework for Studying and Preventing Mental Health DisordersDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1680IPathology of Power: Disability, Health, and Community POL/GOV 
PHP 1680UIntersectionality and Health InequitiesDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1681Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice POL/GOV 
PHP 1700Current Topics in Environmental Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1725Rural Public HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1730Climate Risks and Health SolutionsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
PHP 1796The Historical Determinants of Public HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1802SHuman Security and Humanitarian Response  SEC
PHP 1810Community Engaged Research in public HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1821Incarceration, Disparities, and Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1854The Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases POL/GOV 
PHP 1920Social Determinants of Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1950Adolescent and Young Adult HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 0200Introduction to Comparative PoliticsDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 0400Introduction to International PoliticsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1010Topics in American Constitutional Law POL/GOV 
POLS 1065Participating American Publics POL/GOV 
POLS 1085Injustice  SEC
POLS 1090Polarized Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1100U.S. Congress POL/GOV 
POLS 1120Campaigns and Elections POL/GOV 
POLS 1130The American Presidency POL/GOV 
POLS 1140Public Opinion and American Democracy POL/GOV 
POLS 1170Constitutional Law: Individual Rights POL/GOV 
POLS 1210Latin American PoliticsDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1225The Politics of Nuclear Weapons  SEC
POLS 1240Politics, Markets, and States in Developing CountriesDEV  
POLS 1250Politics of European Democracies POL/GOV 
POLS 1265Political Institutions of East Asian DemocraciesDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1280Politics, Economy and Society in IndiaDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1290The Rise of ChinaDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1310African American Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1315Diversity and US Minority Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1325Political Organizations and Social Change in America POL/GOV 
POLS 1350Chinese Foreign PolicyDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1355Women in PoliticsDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 136521st Century Social Movements POL/GOV 
POLS 1390Global GovernanceDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1400North Atlantic Politics After the Cold War  SEC
POLS 1420Money and Power in the International Political Economy POL/GOV 
POLS 1440Security, Governance and Development in AfricaDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1455Contemporary African PoliticsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1455Crime, Punishment, and Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1460International Political Economy POL/GOV 
POLS 1500The International Law and Politics of Human RightsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1550War and Politics  SEC
POLS 1560American Foreign Policy  SEC
POLS 1820FBlack Protest: Theory and Praxis POL/GOV 
POLS 1820HContraband Capitalism: States and Illegal Global MarketsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1820XDemocratic Erosion POL/GOV 
POLS 1821IIssues in Democratic Theory POL/GOV 
POLS 1821NPolitical Journalism POL/GOV 
POLS 1821SWomen and Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1821VDemocracy and Inequality in American CitiesDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1822BFoundations of Political Economy POL/GOVSEC
POLS 1822GThe Political Economy of Hard Policy Problems POL/GOV 
POLS 1822IGeopolitics of Oil and EnergyDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1822QIdentity Politics in Global PerspectiveDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1822UWar and Human Rights  SEC
POLS 1822WCongressional Investigations POL/GOVSEC
POLS 1823HPublic Opinion POL/GOV 
POLS 1823IUrban Politics and PolicyDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1824CPolitical Communication POL/GOV 
POLS 1824SPolitics of MigrationDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1825EHealth Care Politics and PolicyDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1825MThe Politics of Finance and Financial CrisesDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1825PPolitics of Ocean Governance POL/GOVSEC
POLS 1825QPolitical Development, Democracy, and Integration in EuropeDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1825REnvironment, Migration, and Conflict in Contemporary European PoliticsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1825SLatino Politics in the United States POL/GOV 
POLS 1825UEthics and International Affairs  SEC
POLS 1825VThe Legislative Process POL/GOV 
POLS 1826BPolitical Economy of DevelopmentDEV  
RELS 0036Love and War in India  SEC
RELS 0090MIslam, Violence and Media  SEC
RELS 0750Law and ReligionDEVPOL/GOVSEC
RELS 1610Sacred Sites: Law, Politics, ReligionDEV SEC
SAST 0140Food, Religion and Politics in South AsiaDEV  
SAST 0750Understanding the Indian EconomyDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1040World Population Problems POL/GOV 
SOC 1116Criminal Courts and the Law in an Era of Mass Incarceration POL/GOV 
SOC 1128Migrants, Refugees, and the MediterraneanDEV SEC
SOC 1155BorderlandsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
SOC 1270Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the Modern WorldDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1330Remaking the CityDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1450Unstable Times: Migration, Identity, and Social IntegrationDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1870XSociology of Health Research SeminarDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1871OCritical Race TheoryDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1871XComparative Urban Political Economy POL/GOV 
SOC 1872EGlobal SociologyDEV  
SOC 1872VRace and Wrongful Conviction in the United States POL/GOV 
SOC 1873DInequality of Infant HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1873FFeminist Perspectives in Criminal Justice POL/GOV 
SOC 1873GThe Geography of Urban InequalityDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1874BWork, Inequality, and Social Change POL/GOV 
SOC 1954HThe City In Strife: Mapping Segregations, Inequality, Insurrection (also HIST 1954H)DEVPOL/GOV 
UNIV 1001The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Contested NarrativesDEVPOL/GOVSEC
UNIV 1111Systemic Racism and Modes of ResilienceDEVPOL/GOV 
URBN 0215Urban Life in the Global SouthDEV  
URBN 1250The Political Foundations of the City POL/GOV 
URBN 1251Municipal Money POL/GOV 
URBN 1260Housing in AmericaDEVPOL/GOV 
URBN 1270Urban Politics and Urban Public Policy POL/GOV 
URBN 1870DDowntown DevelopmentDEV  
URBN 1870MUrban Regimes in the American Republic POL/GOV 
URBN 1870TTransportation: An Urban Planning Perspective POL/GOV 
URBN 1871GUrban Asia: Beyond Tradition, Modernity, and CrisisDEV  
URBN 1943The Real Estate Development Process: An Entrepreneurial Lens POL/GOV 
AFRI 1075Providence Housing Ecosystem, Development, Displacement and GentrificationDEVPOL/GOV 
AFRI 1170African American Women's HistoryDEVPOL/GOV 
AFRI 1270Slavery, Democracy, and Racial Violence in the AmericasDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ANTH 1125Indigenous ArchaeologiesDEV  
ANTH 1150Middle East in Anthropological PerspectiveDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ANTH 1225Gendering Migration and DiasporasDEV SEC
ANTH 1300Anthropology of Addictions and Recovery POL/GOV 
ANTH 1301Anthropology of HomelessnessDEVPOL/GOV 
ANTH 1310Global Health: Anthropological PerspectivesDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ANTH 1313Are We Really All in This Together? Culture, Structure, and Health DisparitiesDEV  
ANTH 1320Anthropology and Development: Ethnographic Perspectives on Poverty and ProgressDEV  
ANTH 1515Anthropology of Mental HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
ANTH 1601Reimagining Climate ChangeDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ANTH 1730Violence of the Past  SEC
BIOL 1070Biotechnology and Global HealthDEVPOL/GOVSEC
BIOL 1530Emergency Medical Systems POL/GOV 
CLPS 1250Human Factors POL/GOV 
CLPS 1750Blame and Punishment POL/GOV 
CSCI 1360Human Factors in Cybersecurity  SEC
CSCI 1800Cybersecurity and International Relations POL/GOVSEC
CSCI 1805Computers, Freedom, and Privacy POL/GOVSEC
CSCI 1850Cybersecurity Law and Policy POL/GOVSEC
CSCI 1870Cybersecurity Ethics POL/GOVSEC
CSCI 1951ICS for Social Change POL/GOV 
CSCI 1953AAccessible and Inclusive Cybersecurity and Policy POL/GOVSEC
ECON 0110Principles of EconomicsDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1050Environmental Economics and Policy POL/GOV 
ECON 1070Race, Crime, and Punishment in America POL/GOVSEC
ECON 1110Intermediate MicroeconomicsDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1210Intermediate MacroeconomicsDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1310Labor Economics POL/GOV 
ECON 1340Economics of Global Warming POL/GOVSEC
ECON 1350Environmental Economics and Policy POL/GOVSEC
ECON 1355Environmental Issues in Development EconomicsDEV  
ECON 1360Health EconomicsDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1385Intergenerational Poverty in America POL/GOV 
ECON 1390Inequality of Income, Wealth, and Health in the United StatesDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1410Urban Economics POL/GOV 
ECON 1430The Economics of Social Policy POL/GOV 
ECON 1480Public Economics POL/GOV 
ECON 1487Translating Evidence Into Economic Policy POL/GOV 
ECON 1500Current Global Macroeconomic ChallengesDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ECON 1530Health, Hunger and the Household in Developing CountriesDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1540International TradeDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ECON 1550International FinanceDEVPOL/GOV 
ECON 1560Economic GrowthDEV  
ECON 1570The Economics of Latin AmericansDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ECON 1590The Economy of China Since 1949DEVPOL/GOVSEC
EDUC 1190Family Engagement in Education POL/GOV 
EDUC 1300Schools as Sites of Social Welfare POL/GOV 
EDUC 1310Inside Higher Ed: Sex, Class, and Admissions POL/GOV 
EDUC 1320Turning Hope Into Results POL/GOV 
EDUC 1555Human Development and Education in East AsiaDEV  
EDUC 1615Intro to Community-Based Participatory Research POL/GOV 
EDUC 1620Urban Schools in Historical Perspective POL/GOV 
EDUC 1670Juveniles for Justice: Youth Civic Engagement and Activism POL/GOV 
EDUC 1680Histories of Race and Education in the United States POL/GOV 
EDUC 1765Educational Policy and Program Evaluation in Low and Middle Income CountriesDEVPOL/GOV 
ENGN 1800The Social Impact of Emerging Tech POL/GOVSEC
ENVS 1207Eco-Entrepreneurship POL/GOV 
ENVS 1232Land MattersDEV  
ENVS 1247Clearing the Air: Environmental Studies of Pollution POL/GOV 
ENVS 1350Environmental Economics and PolicyDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1400Sustainable Design in the Built EnvironmentDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1545The Theory and Practice of Sustainable InvestingDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1547Finance and the Environment POL/GOVSEC
ENVS 1552Science, Power and the Corruption of Environmental HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1554Farm Planet: Hunger, Development, and the Future of Food and AgricultureDEV SEC
ENVS 1555Urban Agriculture: The Importance of Localized Food SystemsDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1574Climate Policy Research: Organizations and Obstruction POL/GOVSEC
ENVS 1580Environmental Stewardship and Resilience in Urban SystemsDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1615Climate Change, Human Rights, and the Policy ProcessDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1823Climate, Media, Discourse, and Power POL/GOVSEC
ENVS 1875The Nature of CitiesDEVPOL/GOV 
ENVS 1925Energy Policy and PoliticsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
ETHN 1200BContemporary Indigenous Education in North AmericaDEVPOL/GOV 
ETHN 1750AImmigrant Social Movements: Bridging Theory and Practice POL/GOV 
ETHN 1751FRace in US Cities and Suburbs POL/GOV 
FREN 1410TL'expérience des réfugiés: déplacements, migrationsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1032South Africa: Apartheid and AfterDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1080Humanitarianism and Conflict in AfricaDEV SEC
HIST 1081Environmental Justice and Injustice in African HistoryDEV  
HIST 1120At China's EdgesDEV  
HIST 1121The Modern Chinese Nation: An Idea and Its LimitsDEV SEC
HIST 1123Chinese Socialist DreamsDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1457Understanding the PalestiniansDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1507American Politics and Culture Since 1945 POL/GOV 
HIST 1531Political Movements in 20th-Century America POL/GOV 
HIST 1533Cities and Inequality Since 1920: The United States POL/GOV 
HIST 1554American Empire Since 1890DEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1573Energy and Power: An Environmental History of North AmericaDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1620Resisting Empire: Gandhi and the Making of Modern South AsiaDEV  
HIST 1820BThe Environmental History of East AsiaDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1820CSoverignty and Ecology: Law, Land, and Environmental ChangeDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1825JHistory of Artificial Intelligence POL/GOV 
HIST 1952CLatino Urban HistoryDEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1954HThe City In Strife: Mapping Segregations, Inequality, Insurrection (also SOC 1954H)DEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1954KAnti-Colonial geographies, temporalities, and Artisanal FormationsDEV  
HIST 1956RAntisemitism and Modern HistoryDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1967LPolitics and Culture Under the Brazilian Military Dictatorship, 1964-1985DEVPOL/GOV 
HIST 1968AApproaches to the Middle EastDEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1969AIsrael-Palestine Lands and Peoples 1DEVPOL/GOVSEC
HIST 1972JRacial Capitalism and US Liberal Empire POL/GOVSEC
HIST 1974EThe Intellectual History of ImperialismDEV SEC
HIST 1977IGender, Race, and Medicine in the AmericasDEVPOL/GOV 
IAPA 1201BVictory, Defeat, and Everything In-Between POL/GOVSEC
IAPA 1201DSocial Entrepreneurship POL/GOV 
IAPA 1201ENonprofit Organizations POL/GOV 
IAPA 1201FGender and Sexuality in the Middle EastDEVPOL/GOV 
IAPA 1203History of American Intervention POL/GOVSEC
IAPA 1205International LawDEVPOL/GOVSEC
IAPA 1207The Politics of Developing CountriesDEV SEC
IAPA 1208Political Economy of China POL/GOV 
IAPA 1401Economic Development in Latin AmericaDEVPOL/GOV 
IAPA 1402Beyond Sun, Sea and Sand (Contemporary Caribbean)DEVPOL/GOV 
IAPA 1441 (AFRI 1441)Caribbean and Latin American Migration: Race, Gender, CommunityDEV  
IAPA 1555 (1204)The Political Economy of StrategyDEVPOL/GOVSEC
IAPA 2000Theory and Research in Development IDEV  
IAPA/UNIV 1207Eco-Entrepreneurship POL/GOV 
JUDS 1711History of the State of Israel: 1948 to the PresentDEV SEC
MPA 2231Activating Change for Climate and SustainabilityDEVPOL/GOVSEC
MPA 2735Women in NationsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
PHP 1070The Global Burden of DiseaseDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1100Comparative Health Care SystemsDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1300Parenting Behaviors and Child Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1450Covid-19, Public Health, and Health PolicyDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1460Public Health in a Changing World: Law, Policy, and JusticeDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1550Substance Abuse and Vulnerability to Addiction POL/GOV 
PHP 1551Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Policy POL/GOV 
PHP 1580Pandemic Game Changers POL/GOVSEC
PHP 1610Tobacco, Disease and the Industry POL/GOV 
PHP 1650Race, Racism, and Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1670Public Mental Health: A Framework for Studying and Preventing Mental Health DisordersDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1680IPathology of Power: Disability, Health, and Community POL/GOV 
PHP 1680UIntersectionality and Health InequitiesDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1681Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice POL/GOV 
PHP 1700Current Topics in Environmental Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1725Rural Public HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1730Climate Risks and Health SolutionsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
PHP 1796The Historical Determinants of Public HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1802SHuman Security and Humanitarian Response  SEC
PHP 1810Community Engaged Research in public HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
PHP 1821Incarceration, Disparities, and Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1854The Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases POL/GOV 
PHP 1920Social Determinants of Health POL/GOV 
PHP 1950Adolescent and Young Adult HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 0400Introduction to International Politics  SEC
POLS 1010Topics in American Constitutional Law POL/GOV 
POLS 1065Participating American Publics POL/GOV 
POLS 1090Polarized Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1100U.S. Congress POL/GOV 
POLS 1120Campaigns and Elections POL/GOV 
POLS 1130The American Presidency POL/GOV 
POLS 1140Public Opinion and American Democracy POL/GOV 
POLS 1210Latin American PoliticsDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1225The Politics of Nuclear Weapons  SEC
POLS 1240Politics, Markets, and States in Developing CountriesDEV  
POLS 1250Politics of European Democracies POL/GOV 
POLS 1280Politics, Economy and Society in IndiaDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1290The Rise of ChinaDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1310African American Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1315Diversity and US Minority Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1325Political Organizations and Social Change in America POL/GOV 
POLS 1350Chinese Foreign PolicyDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1355Women in PoliticsDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 136521st Century Social Movements POL/GOV 
POLS 1390Global GovernanceDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1420Money and Power in the International Political Economy POL/GOV 
POLS 1440Security, Governance and Development in AfricaDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1455Contemporary African PoliticsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1455Crime, Punishment, and Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1460International Political Economy POL/GOV 
POLS 1500The International Law and Politics of Human RightsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1550War and Politics  SEC
POLS 1560American Foreign Policy  SEC
POLS 1820FBlack Protest: Theory and Praxis POL/GOV 
POLS 1820HContraband Capitalism: States and Illegal Global MarketsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1820XDemocratic Erosion POL/GOV 
POLS 1821NPolitical Journalism POL/GOV 
POLS 1821SWomen and Politics POL/GOV 
POLS 1821VDemocracy and Inequality in American CitiesDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1822BFoundations of Political Economy POL/GOVSEC
POLS 1822GThe Political Economy of Hard Policy Problems POL/GOV 
POLS 1822IGeopolitics of Oil and EnergyDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1822QIdentity Politics in Global PerspectiveDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1822UWar and Human Rights  SEC
POLS 1822WCongressional Investigations POL/GOVSEC
POLS 1823HPublic Opinion POL/GOV 
POLS 1823IUrban Politics and PolicyDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1824SPolitics of MigrationDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1825EHealth Care Politics and PolicyDEVPOL/GOV 
POLS 1825MThe Politics of Finance and Financial CrisesDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1825PPolitics of Ocean Governance POL/GOVSEC
POLS 1825REnvironment, Migration, and Conflict in Contemporary European PoliticsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
POLS 1825SLatino Politics in the United States POL/GOV 
POLS 1825TLatino Politics in the United States POL/GOV 
POLS 1825UEthics and International Affairs  SEC
POLS 1825VThe Legislative Process POL/GOV 
POLS 1826BPolitical Economy of DevelopmentDEV  
SOC 1116Criminal Courts and the Law in an Era of Mass Incarceration POL/GOV 
SOC 1128Migrants, Refugees, and the MediterraneanDEV SEC
SOC 1155BorderlandsDEVPOL/GOVSEC
SOC 1270Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the Modern WorldDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1450Unstable Times: Migration, Identity, and Social IntegrationDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1870XSociology of Health Research SeminarDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1871XComparative Urban Political Economy POL/GOV 
SOC 1872EGlobal SociologyDEV  
SOC 1872VRace and Wrongful Conviction in the United States POL/GOV 
SOC 1873DInequality of Infant HealthDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1873GThe Geography of Urban InequalityDEVPOL/GOV 
SOC 1874BWork, Inequality, and Social Change POL/GOV 
SOC 1954HThe City In Strife: Mapping Segregations, Inequality, Insurrection (also HIST 1954H)DEVPOL/GOV 
UNIV 1111Systemic Racism and Modes of ResilienceDEVPOL/GOV 
URBN 1250The Political Foundations of the City POL/GOV 
URBN 1251Municipal Money POL/GOV 
URBN 1260Housing in AmericaDEVPOL/GOV 
URBN 1270Urban Politics and Urban Public Policy POL/GOV 
URBN 1870DDowntown DevelopmentDEV  
URBN 1870MUrban Regimes in the American Republic POL/GOV 
URBN 1870TTransportation: An Urban Planning Perspective POL/GOV 
URBN 1871GUrban Asia: Beyond Tradition, Modernity, and CrisisDEV  
URBN 1943The Real Estate Development Process: An Entrepreuerial Lens POL/GOV