Research Briefs
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Research Briefs
Delve deeper into the most recent research published by Watson faculty.
In July 2020, Nadje Al-Ali wrote "Covid-19 and feminism in the Global South: Challenges, initiatives and dilemmas," a piece addressing the gendered implications of Covid-19 in the Global South by paying attention to the intersectional pre-existing inequalities that have given rise to specific risks and vulnerabilities.
Update on COVID-19 training for health care workers
In July 2020, the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies along with Project HOPE released "COVID-19 Training for Health Care Workers: Preparedness and Response," a project report on the development and implementation of a COVID-19 training program for health workers, public health professionals, health care leadership, and key frontline personnel to rapidly scale-up response efforts in high-risk countries.
Unpacking the Drivers of Racial Disparities in School Suspension and Expulsion
In June 2020, Jayanti Owens co-wrote, "Unpacking the Drivers of Racial Disparities in School Suspension and Expulsion," a piece that explores the racial gap in school suspensions and expulsions among 5 to 9-year-old children. Owens' research provides evidence that differential treatment could play a large role in the early criminalization of black students.
Asset Revaluation and the Existential Politics of Climate Change
In June 2020 Jeff Colgan co-wrote, "Asset Revaluation and the Existential Politics of Climate Change," a piece focused on a dynamic theory of climate politics based on the present and future revaluation of assets that accelerate climate change, such as fossil fuel plants.
Conversations on COVID: How science, data can inform personal choices during the pandemic
In June 2020, Emily Oster participated in a Q&A on her co-creation of the new website COVID Explained.
Beshara Doumani, inaugural Mahmoud Darwish Chair in Palestinian Studies
In June 2020, Beshara Doumani, former Watson Faculty Fellow, was appointed the first holder of the Mahmoud Darwish Chair in Palestinian Studies, a research initiative of the Center for Middle East Studies, effective July 1, 2020.
How Solidarity is Controlling Contagion in Kerala
In June 2020, Prerna Singh wrote, "How Solidarity is Controlling Contagion in Kerala," a piece highlighting how governmental efforts in Kerala, India have successfully helped reduce citizen vulnerability to COVID-19.
COVID-19 and Group Relations
In June 2020, Prerna Singh contributed to the Center for the Advanced Study of India's special COVID-19 series "COVID-19 and Group Relations," a study analyzing whether membership in particular groups increases or decreases one's risk to exposure and infection.
Carbon intensity of global crude oil refining and mitigation potential
In June 2020, Deborah Gordon co-wrote, "Carbon intensity of global crude oil refining and mitigation potential," a study focused on assessing the lifecycle climate impacts of the oil and gas sector and reducing emissions in line with international climate targets.
The Pandemic and the Production of Solidarity
In May 2020 Maragret Weir published "The Pandemic and the Production of Solidarity," a piece focused on three areas of contrast between the United States and the United Kingdom: economic stimulus strategies, pre-existing healthcare institutions, and public leadership on racial and ethnic differences.
Policy Analysis and Political Sustainability
In May 2020, Eric Patashnik co-wrote "Policy Analysis and Political Sustainability" with R. Kent Weaver. This piece focuses on a "checklist" of potential sources, risk factors, and warning signs for potential challenges to political sustainability and applies this analysis to the case of the Affordable Care Act.
Brown Research Teams Mobilize to Investigate COVID-19 Solutions
In May 2020, Brown's new COVID-19 Research Seed Fund, consisting of 15 teams of faculty researchers, began working to develop solutions that could impact the world's response to the pandemic. Emily Oster will work with the team determining how widespread the exposure to the virus has been in Rhode Island.
Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Brown Economist, Colleagues Develop Real-Time Economic Tracker
In May 2020, John Friedman and a nonprofit research team called Opportunity Insights launched the OI Economic Tracker, a new real-time economic tracker to help policymakers, nonprofit organizations and philanthropists understand the dimensions of the COVID-induced economic downturn and identify targeted, effective recovery efforts.
We Can’t Let COVID-19 Deaths Become Normalized
Catherine Lutz is the co-director of Brown University's Costs of War Project and Anne Lutz Fernandez is an English teacher. They are the co-authors of "Carjacked: The Culture of the Automobile and Its Effect on Our Lives."
Anand Toprani Receives 2020 Richard W. Leopold Prize From the Organization of American Historians
In April 2020, Anand Toprani received the OAH's prestigious Richard W. Leopold Prize which is awarded every two years for the best book on military affairs, foreign policy, documentary histories, historical activities of the federal government, or biography written by a U.S. government historian or federal contract historian.
Three Professors Win Guggenheim Fellowships to Advance Research Interests
In April 2020, three Brown University faculty members won fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Professor of Anthropology Daniel Jordan Smith was among the 175 new fellows chosen from a field of nearly 3,000 applicants.
Urban Spatial Observatory Creates COVID-19 Response Maps
In March 2020, Patrick Heller collaborated with Georgetown University and the Urban Spatial Observatory, led in part by former Watson postdoc Rajesh Veeraraghavan to create India's first COVID-19 map.
The Politics of the Opioid Epidemic
In April 2020, Susan Moffitt co-edited "The Politics of the Opioid Epidemic" with Eric Patashnik, as well as co-authoring an article in the volume with Paul Testa and Marie Schenk. The piece focuses on American policy and practice in response to the epidemic and explores the question, "Where do we go from here?"
Beyond bailouts
In March 2020, Mark Blyth co-wrote "Beyond bailouts" with Eric Lonergan. This piece focuses on providing rapid analysis and expertise to the UK government in hopes of protecting livelihoods and ensuring long-term economic recovery in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
In March 2020 Jayanti Owens published "Relationships between an ADHD Diagnosis and Future School Behaviors among Children with Mild Behavioral Problems," a piece focused on examining the consequences of ADHD diagnosis and the social and psychological factors involved in medicating young children with undiagnosed behavioral problems.
USCIRF: Citizenship Laws and Religious Freedom
In March 2020, Ashutosh Varshney testified in front of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom during the hearing for citizenship laws and religious freedom. He highlighted the recent Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in India and the ways in which some individuals feel it targets Muslim immigrants.
Race and the problem of the public in postwar America
In February 2020, Margaret Weir delivered her inaugural lecture as John G. Winant Professor of American Politics at the Rothermere American Institute at the University of Oxford entitled "The Problem of the Public in Postwar America." The lecture examined the interplay between racial inclusion and public life in postwar America.
Watson Professors Receive Ford Foundation Grant
In February 2020, Patrick Heller and Ashutosh Varshney received a grant of $200,00 from the Ford Foundation for their ongoing project on Citizenship and Urban Governance in India. The grant will allow them to do research in several Indian cities.
The Afghanistan Papers: Costs and benefits of America’s longest war
In February 2020, Richard Boucher testified in front of Congress during the hearing for "The Afghanistan Papers: Costs and Benefits of America's Longest War." Boucher offered words of advice towards stabilization in Afghanistan and surrounding areas of the Middle East. His experience stems from his time at the Department of State, where he was actively involved in Afghanistan policy from 2000 to 2009.
Income Segregation and Intergenerational Mobility Across Colleges in the United States
In a paper released in February 2020 entitled "Income Segregation and Intergenerational Mobility Across Colleges in the United States," John Friedman and colleagues used anonymized data from the federal government to publish statistics for each college in the U.S. on the distribution of students' earnings in their thirties and their parent's incomes.
Governing the New Geography of Poverty in Metropolitan America
In 2020, Margaret Weir co-wrote, "Governing the New Geography of Poverty in Metropolitan America" with Elizabeth Mattiuzzi (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) - a piece that was first published in March 2019 and focuses on the new geography of poverty through examining the relationship between low-income residents and the governmental patchwork that defines metropolitan America.
Spring 2020 Fellowships and Appointments
Proudly announcing new fellowships and appointments awarded to faculty members at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs.
The Case for Reclaiming Indian Nationalism
In January 2020, Prerna Singh wrote "The Case for Reclaiming Indian Nationalism" a piece focused specifically on the Modi regime in India and ways in which other nations across the globe can defy present-day nationalism by creating a united, powerful, and constructive force against right-wing populist regimes.
Why The Democrats Have Shifted Left Over The Last 30 Years
In December 2019, Andrew Engelhardt was quoted in, "Why The Democrats Have Shifted Left Over The Last 30 Years" - a piece written by Maddie Sach (Dartmouth College) about the conservative and liberal divide surrounding issues like discrimination and immigration.
Normative Frames and Systemic Imperatives: Gouldner, Szelényi and New Class Fracture
In January 2020, Michael Kennedy co-wrote "Normative Frames and Systemic Imperatives: Gouldner, Szelényi and New Class Fracture" with Iván Szelényi (Yale University) - a piece that appeared in pp 25-51 in Tamás Demeter (eds.), Intellectuals, Inequalities and Transitions: Prospects for a Critical Sociology.
Towards a Theory and Practice of Diversity and Inclusion in Globalizing US Universities: Transformational Solidarities of Knowledge Activism
In December 2019, Michael D. Kennedy co-wrote, "Towards a Theory and Practice of Diversity and Inclusion in Globalizing US Universities: Transformational Solidarities of Knowledge Activism," with Merone Tadesse (Brown University) - an article elaborating on the various meanings of solidarity, diversity, and globalizing knowledge across universities.
Development Cooperation: Threatened but Supported by a Durable Consensus
In December 2019, Senior Fellow J. Brian Atwood wrote an article on foreign assistance titled, Development Cooperation: Threatened but Supported by a Durable Consensus, in which he makes the case that the program continues to have bipartisan support despite the Trump Administration's effort to cut it by 30%.
Living through Surveillance: Recasting the study of Civil and Military Relations
In December 2019, Sahana Ghosh edited, "Living through Surveillance: Recasting the study of Civil and Military Relations," a special section with five essays appearing in the latest issue of Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The piece also features an Afterword written by Ilana Feldman (George Washington University).
The Medieval in the Modern: Nazi and Italian Fascist Use of the Ritual Murder Charge
In November 2019, David Kertzer co-wrote "The Medieval in the Modern: Nazi and Italian Fascist Use of the Ritual Murder Charge" with Gunnar Mokosch (Brown University) - a piece examing both the debate over the "modern" nature of the German and Italian fascist regimes and the related question of the role played by the Christian churches in making the Holocaust possible.
Partitions: A Global Perspective
In November 2019, Omer Bartov organized the workshop "Partitions: A Global Perspective," alonsgide Arie Dubnov (George Washington University) to initiate an interdisciplinary academic dialogue between established and junior scholars who study partition from different angles.
Yes, presidents can hold up military aid. But not like Trump did with Ukraine
In November 2019, J Brian Atwood penned "Yes, presidents can hold up military aid. But not like Trump did with Ukraine" - a column explaining how presidents have broad authority to condition the release of assistance packages, but they still have to follow the law.
How Nature Works: Rethinking Labor on a Troubled Planet
In October 2019, Sarah Besky published How Nature Works: Rethinking Labor on a Troubled Planet (SAR Press), which she co-edited with Alex Blanchette (Tufts University).
Methane Will Continue to Accelerate Climate Change
A new report co-authored by Deborah Gordon underscores the need to more accurately map, measure, and manage methane.
Electoral Vibrancy, Mounting Liberal Deficits
Ashutosh Varshney recently published his article, "Electoral Vibrancy, Mounting Liberal Deficits," in the Journal of Democracy.
Rebuilding Labor Power in the Postindustrial United States
An article by Andrew Schrank was recently published in the ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
Ebola virus disease: Can vitamin A supplementation lower overall mortality?
This study led by Adam Levine provides new information that early vitamin A treatment might help lower overall Ebola virus disease mortality.
Brazil’s Far-Right President, University Autonomy, and Academic Freedom
Director of the Brazil Initiative, Jim Green, recently wrote a piece in the American Association of University Professors on Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's education cuts.
Israel-Palestine, Lands and Peoples: An Initiative Led by Omer Bartov
A multi-year initiative organized by faculty fellow Omer Bartov aims to gain a deeper understanding of the Israel-Palestine region and its peoples.
Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control
Stephen Kinzer draws on new documentary research and original interviews to bring to life one of the most powerful unknown Americans of the twentieth century.
Limiting Policy Backlash: Strategies for Taming Countercoalitions in an Era of Polarization
Director of the Master of Public Affairs program Eric Patashnik recently had his article published in the September issue of The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
The United States, Mexico, and the Mutual Securitization of Drug Enforcement, 1969–1985
Postdoctoral Fellow Aileen Teague recently published an article highlighting how the Dirty War legacy shaped the more aggressive U.S. drug enforcement practices in Mexico that led to the murder of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena by Mexican drug lords.
Oil Shake-Up: Refining Transitions in a Low-Carbon Economy
Senior Fellow Deborah Gordon co-authors study on why it is critical to assess how shifting to a low-carbon economy will impact oil refining.
American Bias and Blind Spots on World Politics
Associate Professor Jeff Colgan guest edited a special issue of the Journal of Global Security Studies, centered on a "particularly important concern in global security studies: American bias."