Research Briefs

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Spring 2020 Fellowships and Appointments

Proudly announcing new fellowships and appointments awarded to faculty members at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs.
News from Watson

The Case for Reclaiming Indian Nationalism

In January 2020, Prerna Singh wrote "The Case for Reclaiming Indian Nationalism" a piece focused specifically on the Modi regime in India and ways in which other nations across the globe can defy present-day nationalism by creating a united, powerful, and constructive force against right-wing populist regimes.
In December 2019, Andrew Engelhardt was quoted in, "Why The Democrats Have Shifted Left Over The Last 30 Years" - a piece written by Maddie Sach (Dartmouth College) about the conservative and liberal divide surrounding issues like discrimination and immigration.
In January 2020, Michael Kennedy co-wrote "Normative Frames and Systemic Imperatives: Gouldner, Szelényi and New Class Fracture" with Iván Szelényi (Yale University) - a piece that appeared in pp 25-51 in Tamás Demeter (eds.), Intellectuals, Inequalities and Transitions: Prospects for a Critical Sociology.
In December 2019, Michael D. Kennedy co-wrote, "Towards a Theory and Practice of Diversity and Inclusion in Globalizing US Universities: Transformational Solidarities of Knowledge Activism," with Merone Tadesse (Brown University) - an article elaborating on the various meanings of solidarity, diversity, and globalizing knowledge across universities.
In December 2019, Senior Fellow J. Brian Atwood wrote an article on foreign assistance titled, Development Cooperation: Threatened but Supported by a Durable Consensus, in which he makes the case that the program continues to have bipartisan support despite the Trump Administration's effort to cut it by 30%.
In December 2019, Sahana Ghosh edited, "Living through Surveillance: Recasting the study of Civil and Military Relations," a special section with five essays appearing in the latest issue of Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The piece also features an Afterword written by Ilana Feldman (George Washington University).
In November 2019, David Kertzer co-wrote "The Medieval in the Modern: Nazi and Italian Fascist Use of the Ritual Murder Charge" with Gunnar Mokosch (Brown University) - a piece examing both the debate over the "modern" nature of the German and Italian fascist regimes and the related question of the role played by the Christian churches in making the Holocaust possible.
News from Watson

Partitions: A Global Perspective

In November 2019, Omer Bartov organized the workshop "Partitions: A Global Perspective," alonsgide Arie Dubnov (George Washington University) to initiate an interdisciplinary academic dialogue between established and junior scholars who study partition from different angles.
News from Watson

American Bias and Blind Spots on World Politics

Associate Professor Jeff Colgan guest edited a special issue of the Journal of Global Security Studies, centered on a "particularly important concern in global security studies: American bias."
News from Watson

Watson Faculty Named CIFAR Fellows

Professor Andrew Schrank and Associate Professor Prerna Singh have been named CIFAR Fellows by the Canadian-based global charitable organization.
News from Watson

Three Visions of International Order

In a new article, Associate Professor Jeff Colgan proposes a hybrid form of an international order that merges the three broad visions that have recently emerged from Washington.
In the latest report by the Costs of War Project, it is estimated that 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases have been emitted by the U.S. military since the start of the Global War on Terror in 2001.
News from Watson

The Clean Air Act's Use of Market Mechanisms

In a chapter of the recently published Lessons from the Clean Air Act, Professor Eric Patashnik, Director of the Master of Public Affairs Program, examines market-based policies in the Clean Air Act.
In a new study, co-author Robert Blair reports findings from a field experiment with the Liberian National Police's (LNP) "Confidence Patrols" program, following years of civil war in the country.
News from Watson

Human Animal Health

Watson Institute Senior Fellow Alex Nading published a special issue of Medical Anthropology Quarterly on the topic of "Human Animal Health," co-editing the issue with Hannah Brown (Durham University).
News from Watson

The RTI Story: Power to the People

In her book, Indian activist Aruna Roy tells the story of how a people's movement brought about the Right to Information (RTI) Act in India in 2005.
Senior Fellow Richard Arenberg's recent book, "Congressional Procedure: A Practical Guide to the Legislative Process in the U.S. Congress: The House of Representatives and Senate Explained," has won the 2019 Benjamin Franklin Award and the bronze 2019 Independent Publisher Book Award for Best Non-Fiction Book in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Brown University hosted a conference on the economic and political consequences of climate change, which featured U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and top scholars and analysts. Topics covered included housing markets, stranded assets and the entrenched interests of climate deniers.
News from Watson

The Political Geography and Inequality in America

In December, Professor Margaret Weir convened "The Political Geography and Inequality in America" workshop to discuss how spatial arrangements influence inequality in the country.
News from Watson

$5.9 Trillion Spent and Obligated on Post-9/11 Wars

A new report by the Costs of War Project estimates that the United States has spent and obligated more than $5.9 trillion on the war on terror, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.