The OI Economic Tracker presents data on the latest economic trends alongside independent academic analysis — providing a well-informed, up-to-the-minute picture of the rapidly shifting American economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The tracker brings together commercial data and public-sector information to produce economic research and analysis that provides timely insights to inform the public and guide policy. An interactive dashboard focuses on key economic indicators including small business activity, employment and consumer spending — alongside key contextual factors on education, public health and policy milestones. Users can drill down to specific geographic areas and filter by industry and income level. The research team intends for policymakers to use the tools and functions of the OI Economic Tracker to understand both the state of the economy in real-time and whether their policies are proving effective.
Friedman co-directs Opportunity Insights alongside Raj Chetty and Nathaniel Hendren, both economists at Harvard University.