Research Briefs

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News from Watson

Medicaid at 60 Conference

Eric M. Patashnik, Julis-Rabinowitz Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, and Chair of the Department of Political Science recently convened at a conference at the Watson Institute titled "Medicaid at 60: From Welfare Medicine to America's Most Important Health Care Program."
News from Watson

State Test Score Results Data Series

Emily Oster and her colleagues released results from over 20 state tests encompassing millions of students, offering one of the most comprehensive national pictures of student learning.
News from Watson

The Bipolarity Paradox

Lyle Goldstein recently co-authored a paper for North Korea Review titled, "The Bipolarity Paradox."
News from Watson

Entrenchment and Health Equity

Eric Patashnik recently edited the volume Entrenchment and Health Equity in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law.
News from Watson

A roadmap for immigration reform

Dany Bahar recently co-authored a report titled "A roadmap for immigration reform: Identifying weak links in the labor supply chain."
News from Watson

The trouble with Taiwan

Lyle Goldstein authored an essay published in the latest issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists titled, "The trouble with Taiwan."
News from Watson

The Future of India

Ashutosh Varshey and Arvind Subramanian were panelists during the annual Hauser Symposium on "The Future of India".
News from Watson

Professor Robert Blair granted a seed award

Professor Rob Blair has been granted a 2023 Seed Award for his social sciences proposal titled "Understanding and preventing violence against environmental activists in the Amazon."
News from Watson

The Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship

Reid Pauly and Rose McDermott recently co-authored a paper published in the January issue of International Security titled, "The Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship."