Research Briefs
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Research Briefs
Delve deeper into the most recent research published by Watson faculty.
In a recent article, co-author Susan Moffitt, Director of the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy, explores varying political energies during policy implementation, specifically of the landmark No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
Civil War and Citizens' Demand for the State: An Empirical Test of Hobbesian Theory
In new research, Assistant Professor Rob Blair uses Hobbes's Leviathan to demonstrate why severely victimized citizens of wartime violence should lean on centralized authorities more instead of local ones, in post-conflict settings.
Watson Faculty Named CIFAR Fellows
Professor Andrew Schrank and Associate Professor Prerna Singh have been named CIFAR Fellows by the Canadian-based global charitable organization.
Three Visions of International Order
In a new article, Associate Professor Jeff Colgan proposes a hybrid form of an international order that merges the three broad visions that have recently emerged from Washington.
Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change, and the Costs of War
In the latest report by the Costs of War Project, it is estimated that 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases have been emitted by the U.S. military since the start of the Global War on Terror in 2001.
The Long March: Deep Democracy in Cross-National Perspective
Former Postdoctoral Fellows Ali Kadivar and Adaner Usmani co-authored a new study on substantive democratization and its correlation to unarmed pro-democratic mobilization.
Why Does Racial Inequality Persist?: Culture, Causation, and Responsibility
In a new report released by the Manhattan Institute, Professor Glenn Loury delves into the persistence of racial inequality in the United States.
The Clean Air Act's Use of Market Mechanisms
In a chapter of the recently published Lessons from the Clean Air Act, Professor Eric Patashnik, Director of the Master of Public Affairs Program, examines market-based policies in the Clean Air Act.
James N. Green receives Distinguished Research Achievement Award
James N. Green, Director of the Brazil Initiative, was awarded one of Brown University's Distinguished Research Achievement Awards for 2019.
Mexico's Dirty War on Drugs: Source Control and Dissidence in Drug Enforcement
Postdoctoral Fellow Aileen Teague's recent essay is included in the first issue of The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs published by The University of Chicago Press.
Establishing the Rule of Law in Weak and War-torn States
In a new study, co-author Robert Blair reports findings from a field experiment with the Liberian National Police's (LNP) "Confidence Patrols" program, following years of civil war in the country.
John Friedman Named Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Public Economics
John Friedman, Associate Professor of Economics, has recently been named the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Public Economics.
Human Animal Health
Watson Institute Senior Fellow Alex Nading published a special issue of Medical Anthropology Quarterly on the topic of "Human Animal Health," co-editing the issue with Hannah Brown (Durham University).
Rival Hierarchies and the Origins of Nuclear Technology Sharing
In a new article published in International Studies Quarterly, co-author Jeffrey Colgan delves into the relationship between the United States and Soviet Union in the 1950s and sharing nuclear technology internationally.
The RTI Story: Power to the People
In her book, Indian activist Aruna Roy tells the story of how a people's movement brought about the Right to Information (RTI) Act in India in 2005.
Senior Fellow Awarded Grant for Oil Climate Index
Senior Fellow Deborah Gordon was recently awarded a $35,000 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to conduct outreach on the OCI's decision-making potential.
The Future of Work and its Implications for Higher Education
Provost Richard M. Locke was recently awarded a $100,000 grant to support his project, The Future of Work and its Implications for Higher Education.
Senior Fellow Richard Arenberg Receives Recognition for New Book
Senior Fellow Richard Arenberg's recent book, "Congressional Procedure: A Practical Guide to the Legislative Process in the U.S. Congress: The House of Representatives and Senate Explained," has won the 2019 Benjamin Franklin Award and the bronze 2019 Independent Publisher Book Award for Best Non-Fiction Book in the Mid-Atlantic region.
States, Societies, and the Control of Contagion in China and India
While at The American Academy in Berlin, Associate Professor Prerna Singh is working on a project that seeks to explore why polities with similar conditions have been characterized by different levels of containment.
Brown University Hosts Conference on America's Climate Change Future
Brown University hosted a conference on the economic and political consequences of climate change, which featured U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and top scholars and analysts. Topics covered included housing markets, stranded assets and the entrenched interests of climate deniers.
The Political Geography and Inequality in America
In December, Professor Margaret Weir convened "The Political Geography and Inequality in America" workshop to discuss how spatial arrangements influence inequality in the country.
Chill Pills, Play and Panic in a California Administrative Court
Postdoctoral Fellow Dario Valles was recently awarded the Graduate Student Paper Prize by the APLA for his article, Chill Pills, Play and Panic in a California Administrative Court.
The Dynamics of American Democracy: Partisan Polarization, Political Competition and Government Performance
In November, Professors Eric Patashnik and Wendy Schiller convened a conference on "The Dynamics of American Democracy: Partisan Polarization, Political Competition and Government Performance," to explore the current state of democracy in the United States.
Senior Fellow Timothy Edgar receives Roy C. Palmer Prize
Timothy Edgar was recently awarded the 2018 Roy C. Palmer Prize by Chicago-Kent College of Law for his book, Beyond Snowden.
Behavioral Feedback: Do Individual Choices Influence Scientific Results?
In a new working paper, Professor Emily Oster questions if individual choices influence scientific results.
$5.9 Trillion Spent and Obligated on Post-9/11 Wars
A new report by the Costs of War Project estimates that the United States has spent and obligated more than $5.9 trillion on the war on terror, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
How Strong Is the Nuclear Taboo Today?
In a recent article, Nina Tannenwald explores the threat that the Trump administration poses to the seven decade tradition of not using nuclear weapons.
Humanitarian Innovation Initiative Receives Funding from Gates Foundation
HI² received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a predictive tool to guide the treatment of pediatric diarrhea.
How Do Physicians, Policymakers Respond When a Procedure Proves No Better Than a Placebo?
In response to the Lancet's ORBITA study in November 2017, Public Policy program director Eric Patashnik co-hosted a workshop at Yale University to address the research. The result of that workshop is a series of essays on the Health Affairs Blog titled, "ORBITA: Lessons from a Landmark Trial."
The Opportunity Atlas
In collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau, Opportunity Insights, a research and policy institute formed by Harvard and Brown University economists including Associate Professor John Friedman, released an interactive mapping tool called "The Opportunity Atlas." The Atlas helps predict how neighborhoods influence the trajectories of the children who grow up there.
Brown Professor Awarded $2.8 Million NIH Grant to Develop Mobile Health App
Director of the Humanitarian Innovation Initiative, Adam Levine, has been awarded a $2.8 million, five year grant from the National Institute of Health to develop a mobile health app.
Getting Down to Facts II: Current Conditions and Paths Forward for California Schools
In a newly released study, Susan Moffitt, director of the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy, partners with Susanna Loeb, new director of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform, and other researchers for Getting Down to Facts II, a project aimed at supporting improvements in California's K-12 public school system, originally released in 2007.
Democratic Erosion
A multi-university course, Democratic Erosion, led by Assistant Professor Rob Blair, closed its first academic year with a full-day conference with faculty and students from across the nation at the Watson Institute.
Invigorating U.S. Leadership in Global Development
Senior Fellow Brian Atwood shares a brief history of the United States foreign assistance program, that he presented at the Aspen Institute in Colorado in early August.
The Market is Valuing Climate Risk all Wrong
In a recent article, Associate Professor Jeff Colgan explains how the market is valuing climate change and the "climate-value paradox."
The Naturalization of Work
In a collection of essays put together by Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Sarah Besky, examines the confluence of labor and environmental exploitation.
The Great Unraveling: The Decline of the Nuclear Normative Order
This article written by Nina Tannenwald analyzes the erosion of the current nuclear normative order, focusing on existing, declining, and emerging norms, especially among the nuclear powers.
How America's Wars Fund Inequality at Home
A new study by the Costs of War Project investigates the United States' government spending in wars since the War of 1812, addressing the relationship between war-related debt and societal inequality.
Does Compliance Pay? Social Standards and Firm-Level Trade
In a new study published in the American Journal of Political Science, co-author Provost Richard M. Locke uses new data on retailers and manufacturers to analyze how firm-level trade responds to information about social standards.
Monopolies of Violence: Criminal Governance in Rio de Janeiro
Based on three years of research in Rio de Janeiro, Postdoctoral Fellow Nicholas Barnes explores the replacement of state authority with the criminal violence of drug trafficking gangs in favelas (impoverished informal neighborhoods).
Sticks, Stones, and Molotov Cocktails: Unarmed Collective Violence and Democratization
Postdoctoral Fellow Ali Kadivar examines unarmed collective violence by civilian forces and democratization in a recent article in the American Sociological Associations' journal, Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.
The Evils of Polygyny
In her new book, Professor Rose McDermott examines one structural factor that instigates, enforces, and replicates patterns of male dominance: the practice of polygyny.
Unhealthy Politics: The Battle Over Evidence-Based Medicine
Unhealthy Politics: The Battle over Evidence-Based Medicine, co-written by Public Policy program director Eric Patashnik, describes the U.S. medical system, the most advanced in the world, and its insufficient evaluation process of treatments that often become widespread.
When Is It Rational to Learn the Wrong Lessons? Technocratic Authority, Social Learning, and Euro Fragility
An article co-written by Mark Blyth and published in the American Political Science Association, was recently named "Best Paper" by the journal's European Politics and Society organized interest group for 2018.
Health Reform after the 2016 Election
In May 2017, Professor Eric Patashnik convened a conference on "Health Reform after the 2016 Election," bringing together scholars to examine and discuss the state of health reform. The contributions led to a special edition of the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law.
International Intervention and the Rule of Law after Civil War: Evidence from Liberia
In new research, Assistant Professor Robert Blair looks at Liberia as a case study for international intervention and the rule of law, following civil war.
New Report Exposes Backroom Deals Behind Environmental Reconstruction in Iraq
A new study by the Costs of War Project explores the environmental situation in Iraq due to the now 15-year old US-led war, as well as the backroom deals made in the context of wartime reconstruction.
The Arc of History Bends Toward Coverage: Health Policy at a Crossroads
A new article co-written by Public Policy Professor James A. Morone analyzes the repeated interaction between Republicans and Democrats when a U.S. president seeks to expand health coverage, and wonders if the Affordable Care Act has broken the pattern.