This article features commentary by Wendy Schiller on R.I. House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello.
2020 In the News
What's happening in the arts world (Art at Watson cited)
This events calendar includes "Out of the Fray," an art exhibit by the Watson Institute.
A New COVID-19 School Dashboard Maps National Response (Emily Oster mentioned)
This article references the first national COVID-19 response dashboard, initiated by Emily Oster.
With time running out, Pelosi and Mnuchin struggle to find compromise on stimulus (commentary by Richard Arenberg)
Richard Arenberg offered commentary on the feasibility of a second package of coronavirus stimulus legislation.
Three decades later, Europe still awaits the unity heralded by German reunification (written by Stephen Kinzer)
Stephen Kinzer penned this column about the broken promises of German reunification.
Rethinking Early Childhood Education and Childcare in the COVID-19 Era (Emily Oster cited)
This report cites a study led by Emily Oster using crowdsourced data to determine infection rates among children and staff at schools.
'Bloomberg Surveillance' full show (interview with Wendy Schiller)
Wendy Schiller appeared in this show to discuss how debates in this election cycle are affecting the candidates' voter base.
New initiative seeks to eliminate roadblocks to climate action (Jeff Colgan mentioned)
Jeff Colgan is mentioned in this article about the recently established three-year Climate Solutions Lab.
Political, economic, health scholars weigh in on first presidential debate (written contributions by Wendy Schiller and Richard Arenberg)
In this article, Wendy Schiller, Rich Arenberg, and other faculty members shared their takeaways on the first U.S. presidential debate, where the two candidates discussed the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy, the U.S. Supreme Court and voting by mail.
The House's stake in filibuster reform (Richard Arenberg cited)
This opinion piece cites articles by Richard Arenberg.
Covid-19 checkup: vaccine progress and kids in school (interview with Emily Oster)
Emily Oster has been tracking COVID-19 cases in schools. In this radio segment, she shares what she's found.
Stacey Abrams speaks on importance of voting, activism at Watson panel
add intro
Richard Arenberg in CBC, "The Congress moves very slowly 95 percent of the time. And when they want to do something quickly and they have the votes, it can happen with amazing speed."
DYSOM 9/23/2020: Richard Arenberg (interview with Richard Arenberg)
In this interview, Richard Arenberg joined Dan Yorke to discuss the legacy of Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the future of the Supreme Court.
Don't fall for filibuster abolition. It's a trap. (co-authored by Richard Arenberg)
Richard Arenberg co-authored this column on filibusters.
How the coronavirus has widened the chasm between rich and poor (commentary by John Friedman)
This article draws on data analysis by, and features commentary from, John Friedman, co-director of Opportunity Insights.
Feared coronavirus outbreaks in schools yet to arrive, early data shows (interview with Emily Oster)
Emily Oster in The Washington Post, "These numbers will be, for some people, reassuring and suggest that school openings may be less risky than they expected."
An American war zone: The US may be sliding toward sectarian conflict (written by Andrea Mazzarino)
This article by Costs of War co-founder Andrea Mazzarino cites the project and gives a personal anecdote on conflict in the U.S.
The 13 best parenting books that help you raise smart, successful kids (Emily Oster cited)
"Cribsheet: A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, from Birth to Preschool" by Emily Oster is included in this listicle.
Film, book explore church's role in Holocaust (David Kertzer cited)
This column draws from research gathered by David Kertzer.
There's one sure way that Yes could blow the fight for independence (Mark Blyth cited)
This column discusses research by, and the opinions of, Mark Blyth.
U.S. household wealth hits record high even as economy struggles (John Friedman cited)
This article draws on data analysis by John Friedman, co-director of Opportunity Insights.
Kinzer Presented 2020 Peace Leadership Award
On September 26, Stephen Kinzer will be presented with the 2020 Peace Leadership Award from Massachusetts Peace Action.
Kids and Covid: Should I send my child to school with a cold – and everything else you need to know (commentary by Emily Oster)
This article includes commentary from Emily Oster.
Opinion: Why development matters (co-written by J. Brian Atwood)
In this article, Brian Atwood discusses global health, development, and specific programs previously created to help prevent pandemics.
Continuing coverage: This column draws on data analysis by John Friedman, co-director of Opportunity Insights.
Dozens of little-known California oil spills have earned companies millions of dollars (commentary by Deborah Gordon)
Deborah Gordon offered commentary on California's Midway-Sunset field, where many surface oil spills occur.
An all-electric Houston would save lives and money: Report (interview with Deborah Gordon)
In this article, Deborah Gordon said a switch to electric vehicles should not make Houstonians who rely on the petrochemical industry nervous.
Work from home is ending. But the pandemic is still here. (written by Emily Oster)
Emily Oster penned this column about working from home and reopening workplaces.
Back off of Venezuela already (written by Stephen Kinzer)
Stephen Kinzer penned this column arguing that the American campaign against Venezuelan socialist leader Nicolás Maduro is only hurting the people of the country.
BP Says Oil Demand Could Be Almost Dead By 2050 (commentary by Deborah Gordon)
In this article, Deborah Gordon offered commentary on the business of the oil industry.
ASSIST and Project HOPE join forces to save lives (Project HOPE & CHRHS mentioned)
This piece discusses training courses based on a curriculum on COVID-19 prevention, triage, and treatment, developed by Project HOPE and the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies.
No country's done well from socialism – why would Scotland be any different? (Mark Blyth cited)
This column discusses, "Angrynomics," co-authored by Mark Blyth.
In this podcast interview, Emily Oster discusses the data behind decisions on everything from sending children back to school to flying on an airplane.
What to Do When Predicting Pandemics (written by Reid Pauly)
This article, written by Reid Pauly, explains the importance of 'war games,' or the practice of simulating crisis in order to achieve a level of preparedness.
The Climate Case Against Decoupling (written by Jeff Colgan)
Jeff Colgan penned this article on the idea of severing supply chains, trade relationships, and financial links with China, and the effect it would have on the environment.
OPEC at 60: An oil cartel on life support (commentary by Jeff Colgan)
In this article, Jeff Colgan offered commentary on OPEC.
Hickenlooper and Gardner run low-visibility campaigns in high-stakes Senate race (commentary by Wendy Schiller)
In this article, Wendy Schiller offered commentary on Colorado's Senate race.
DYSOM 9/9/2020: Richard Arenberg (interview with Richard Arenberg)
In this interview, Richard Arenberg appeared on "Dan Yorke State of Mind" to discuss the presidential election and how it may affect local elections.
Spotty virus tracking in schools is leaving millions in the dark on infection rates (commentary by Emily Oster)
Emily Oster offers commentary on reopening schools during the pandemic.
How much caffeine can you safely drink while pregnant? Maybe none. (commentary by Emily Oster)
Emily Oster offered commentary on unclear outcomes in studies on caffeine and pregnancy.
Keeping it real in virtual learning (written by Jo-Anne Hart)
Visiting Scholar Jo-Anne Hart penned this opinion piece about the potential for deep virtual connection between students and faculty.
Mail ballot count could take until Thursday (commentary by Wendy Schiller)
Wendy Schiller offered commentary on the Rhode Island state primary.
Covid-19 doesn't have to cancel Halloween (written by Emily Oster)
Emily Oster penned this opinion piece on how Halloween is still possible this year, if the public adopts the right precautions.
Her school offered a path to the middle class. Will Covid-19 block it? (John Friedman cited)
This article notes that in 2017, a team of economists led by John Friedman published a paper that issued "mobility report cards" to more than 2,000 American colleges and universities, grading each one on its effectiveness in elevating low-income students into the upper middle class and beyond.
Why this high-flying Scot's new book has made him the talk of Washington (Mark Blyth mentioned)
This column focuses on Angrynomics, co-authored by Mark Blyth.
This article mentions that Emily Oster and a team of researchers are partnering to create a nationwide database that maps schools' pandemic responses across the United States.
Record number of voters request mail ballots in statewide primary (commentary by Wendy Schiller)
In this article, Wendy Schiller offered commentary on voting by mail.