2017 In the News
U. hosts dialogue on Trump's policies
People stop trying to save money on groceries when they use food stamps (research by Justine Hastings cited)
Stop complaining about Trump – we earned him (written by Stephen Kinzer)
Trump is not a fluke: Why "Trumpism" is a global phenomenon (Mark Blyth quoted)
Demonetisation 2.0 (written by Ashutosh Varshney)
Love, Solidarity & the #MuslimBan (written by Michael Kennedy)
Build your own virtual Mexico wall (interview with Peter Andreas)
Watson Institute Faculty Welcomed to Jaipur Literature Festival
Commitment to our Community in a Time of Uncertainty
Career diplomats leave state department as Trump presidency begins (interview with Richard Boucher)
The State Department's entire senior administration team just resigned (Richard Boucher quoted)
Trump to walk America's perpetual imperialist-isolationist tightrope (written by Stephen Kinzer)
Why Cal State L.A. turns most low-income students into top earners (John Friedman study featured)
The case for Trump being a Marxist (interview with Mark Blyth)
How Boston fought the empire (written by Stephen Kinzer)
How Trump's Political Brand Captured the White House (Mark Blyth mentioned)
New Book by Stephen Kinzer released
Did the U.S. really spend 'trillions and trillions of dollars' overseas? (Cost of War cited)
Love, Solidarity, and the #WomensMarch (by Michael Kennedy)
Leaders Abroad, Joyful or Wary, Face Uncertainty of Trump Era (comments by Zhang Zhe)
Can History Prepare Us for the Trump Presidency? (excerpt written by Jim Morone)
Debating the very nature of freedom (comments by Stephen Kinzer)
Wendy Schiller joins Bloomberg Daybreak (interview)
Draining the Swamp (written by Ted Widmer)
America's Great Working-Class Colleges (John Friedman study featured)
The linguistic labyrinth of Arabic news (comments by Elias Muhanna)
Saving Liberalism (written by Jeff Colgan)
Why President Obama's legacy could be sunk by Donald Trump (comments by Stephen Kinzer)
Chart: The alarming rise in maternal mortality in the US (comments by Emily Oster)
We've been hacking elections for more than a century (written by Stephen Kinzer)
Why Republicans Shouldn't Weaken the Filibuster (written by Rich Arenberg)
Twitter policy transformations and Russian hacking analysis (interview with Michael Kennedy)
India's top court bars campaigns based on identity politics (comments by Ashutosh Varshney)