2017 In the News
10 Falsehoods From Trump's Interview with The Times (Costs of War Project cited)
What Gujarat means (written by Ashutosh Varshney)
News in 2018? A pundit predicts (written by Stephen Kinzer)
The Ayatollahs and the Republic: The Religious Establishment in Iran and Its Intersection with the Islamic Republic (written by Ali Kadivar)
The Best of Books 2017 (Peter Andreas featured)
The genesis of a new Iranian nationalism (written by Narges Bajoghli)
2017's Neediest Cities (comments by Margaret Weir)
CVS and Aetna: Will It Work? (research by Jim Morone cited)
What A Tax Overhaul Could Mean For Students And Schools (interview with John Friedman)
The State Department's naughty lists (written by Stephen Kinzer)
Congress should massively ramp up funding for the NIH (Costs of War Project cited)
Redesigning U.S. National Security Institutions (co-written by Brian Atwood)
Ideology in our Genes: The Biological Basis for Political Traits (interview with Rose McDermott)
Rethinking a Global Latin America (written by Matthew Gutmann)
Political panel (interview with Wendy Schiller)
Pompeo might bring assets to "hellish" secretary of state role (comments by Richard Boucher)
Globalisation in retreat (written by Ashutosh Varshney)
Ethics complaint against town official to be investigated (comments by Ross Cheit)
Don't tell a world class economist what to do (even if she is pregnant) (interview with Emily Oster)
Telling the Truth About the Cost of War
Could ICE Get the Fingerprints of Nannies and Teachers? (comments by Timothy Edgar)
NATO is headed for a very messy break-up (written by Stephen Kinzer)
David Brooks on the State of America (Marc Dunkelman mentioned)
Three ways to clean up California's oil production (written by Deborah Gordon)
Costs of War Project: The $5.6 Trillion Price Tag of the Post-9/11 Wars
What can be done to stop sexual harassment? (panel includes Matthew Gutmann)
Saudi Crown Prince's Mass Purge Upends a Longstanding System (comments by Chas Freeman)
Trump Goes to China (interview with Chas Freeman)
How the end the endless war (written by Stephen Kinzer)
Oil Innovations to Reduce Climate Impacts (co-written by Deborah Gordon)
Can you actually drink while pregnant? (comments by Emily Oster)
The New Geopolitics – Trump, Populism and Nationalism (panel includes Chas Freeman)
High Impact Higher Ed (interview with John Friedman)
Top public universities are shutting out poor students, report says (comments by John Friedman)
Unhealthy politics: The battle over evidence-based medicine (research by Eric Patashnik cited)
Okinawa women join fight to protect Ritidian, stop militarism in Guam and Okinawa (comments by Cathy Lutz)
A Gathering Seeks Levers to Rebuild Public Good (Watson Institute faculty mentioned)
Transparency about the Costs of War won't Change Americans' Minds (Costs of War Project cited)
Political propaganda: then vs. now (interview with Wendy Schiller)
My time at the White House convinced me of the urgency of reforming surveillance (written by Timothy Edgar)
Is Narendra Modi a populist? (written by Ashutosh Varshney)
Why Does Green California Pump the Dirtiest Oil in the U.S.? (comments by Deborah Gordon)