Student Experience

The Watson Institute houses several undergraduate and graduate programs that take an interdisciplinary, comparative approach to policy-relevant learning in the social sciences. Our programs are designed to inspire today’s engaged scholars and creative thinkers to become tomorrow’s leaders in international and public affairs.


Alberto Morales, a 2016 graduate of Watson’s Master of Public Affairs program and first-generation college student, founded his own consulting firm two years ago with the goal of creating a more equitable philanthropic sector.
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First-generation college student and International and Public Affairs concentrator Michael Ochoa says the academic and co-curricular opportunities offered at Brown have enriched his education and furthered his goal of pursuing a career in diplomacy.
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Ayoola Fadahunsi, a Nigerian-American student who hopes to practice law in the immigration and refugee realm, credits Brown for expanding her horizons.
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Master of Public Affairs and Masters of Public Health dual-degree student Andrew Davis is finding ways to incorporate his activism in sexual violence prevention into his coursework. He says he has found a receptive community among the students, faculty and staff at Brown who are eager to support him.
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With his multicultural and multilingual background, Alex Ivanchev discussed how the Watson Institute’s International and Public Affairs (IAPA) concentration informs his passion for international reproductive health education.
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First-generation college graduate Lizbeth Lucero, who aims to make public policies more inclusive and equitable, appreciates the diversity of faculty and fellow students in Brown’s Master of Public Affairs program.
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Senior International and Public Affairs concentrator Ellis Clark created a foundation to help improve standardized test scores of Detroit public school students.
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