Watson Director Edward Steinfeld accompanied President Christina Paxson to China to meet with alums, students, and parents at Tsinghua University in Beijing and Fudan University in Shanghai. The trip was also to build upon existing collaborative academic relationships.
Stephen Kinzer in The Boston Globe, "Honduras was in bad shape before the coup, but it has become far worse. It is corruptly governed, plagued by violence, and servile to rapacious foreign corporations."
Political Violence at a Glance

Is Democracy Eroding? (written by Jeff Colgan)

Jeff Colgan in Political Violence at a Glance, "In the 1990s, Venezuela was an established democracy with entrenched civil rights and a well-functioning rule of law. For decades, its government had a president, a bicameral Congress, and a Supreme Court."
Peter Andreas on Brink, "For the most part, transnational organized crime is a fuzzy new term for an old practice: smuggling. At base, much of what makes the business of organized crime transnational involves some form of profit-driven trade across borders. How transnational, organized and criminal the trade is tends to depend on the legal and financial risks."
Chas Freeman on Real Clear World, "Our global standing has been diminished not just by the rise of others and the estrangement of allies, but by structural changes in our economy and disinvestment in education and research. We are becoming less competitive. Social mobility in America now compares unfavorably with that in other industrialized democracies."