The Humanitarian Innovation Initiative, which aims to improve humanitarian efforts by grounding them in a solid foundation of academic research, has launched at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs this year. “Humanitarian response is not new, it’s something the world has been focused on for more than 150 years,” said Adam Levine, assistant professor of emergency medicine and founder of HI2.
"The Watson Institute expansion includes the renovation of 65 Charlesfield, a 10,000-square-foot, three-story historic structure on the corner of Charlesfield and Brook Streets, and 20,000 square feet in new construction adjacent to the current institute at 111 Thayer St."
"Sprawling over two million words and 33 volumes, al-Nuwayri's "The Ultimate Ambition in the Arts of Erudition" has long been considered a monument of classical Islamic learning. A significantly abridged version is now available in English, translated by Elias Muhanna, a professor of Arabic literature at Brown University."
WOSU Public Media

Teaching 9/11 in the Classroom (Choices Program)

Director of Curriculum Development for the Choices Program Andy Blackadar, and Teaching Fellow Jennifer La Place talk to WOSU about the challenges of teaching students about 9/11 and how it has changed over the years.
Watson's Costs of War project cited in U.S. News & World Report, "According to a study released Friday through Brown University's Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs, government spending on the military, diplomacy, foreign aid, homeland security and services to veterans have cost U.S. taxpayers upward of $4.79 trillion in the post-Sept. 11 era."
GPD trainees and sociology graduates Diana Graizbord and Jamie McPike, along with Nicole Pollock Chief of Staff for the City of Providence ('08), published an account on the importance of little data. "With all the excitement around the potential for Big Data to improve urban governance, we fear that those among us who are committed to research-based civic innovation may have overlooked the potential of in-depth, ethnographic data, or what we're calling 'little data.'"
The Boston Globe

The Kingmaker Club (written by Stephen Kinzer)

Stephen Kinzer, senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, writes an op-ed about the dilemmas facing Turkey and Saudi Arabia after becoming involved in the Middle East conflict -- much to the their detriment.
Political Source Now

Prerna Singh Wins 2016 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award

The Woodrow Wilson Award is given annually for the best book on government, politics, or international affairs. Singh won the award for her book How Solidarity Works for Welfare: Subnationalism and Social Development in India.