
While traditional security concerns persist, the transformed security landscape of the early 21st century presents a range of “new” challenges, from climate change, resource conflicts, and pandemics to cyber threats, transnational crime, and irregular warfare. Engaging Brown faculty across the social sciences and beyond, the Institute's research spans these and more conventional security issues, including armed intervention, post-conflict reconstruction, nuclear proliferation and military spending.

Research Briefs


At the end of his eighth and final year as the Howard R. Swearer Director of the Thomas J. Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Edward Steinfeld reflected on the institute's growth as it prepares for the launch of Brown University's new School of International and Public Affairs.
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The Watson Institute will develop a new Equity in Policy Scholars program to increase diversity in Brown's Master of Public Affairs program and, in turn, public policy circles in general. It will also ensure that Watson remains a competitive destination for outstanding future global leaders.
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Watson Policy Labs, a new initiative of the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, will enhance the link between teaching, research and public outreach by addressing specific policy issues through a combination of faculty research, student training, research-based courses and public outreach.
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