Program Information

Apply for the Watson Ph.D. Fellows Program

The Watson Ph.D. Fellows program is seeking pre-dissertation fellowship applications from first- and second-year Brown Ph.D. students in the core Watson departments — anthropology, economics, history, political science or sociology — who are working in the areas of development, governance and/or security. Up to six recipients would be on a year-long fellowship in their second or third year (2025-26), during which they would serve as teaching assistants for one semester, stay active in the fellows program, and be eligible to request up to $5,000 in research funding. The fellowships are supported by the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs.

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The Watson Ph.D. Fellows program is seeking dissertation fellowship applications from fourth- and fifth-year Brown Ph.D. students in the core Watson departments — anthropology, economics, history, political science or sociology —who are working in the areas of development, governance and/or security. Up to two recipients would be on a year-long fellowship in their fifth or sixth years (2025-2026), during which they would stay active in the fellows program and at the end of which they are expected to successfully complete their dissertation.

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The Watson Ph.D. Fellows Program is accepting research and travel funding applications from doctoral students in the departments of anthropology, economics, history, political science and sociology. These competitive awards can be used to cover research, fieldwork and/or travel costs related to one or more of the core Watson themes of development, governance and security. The Watson Graduate Affairs Committee will make funding decisions. Preference will be given to students who participate in Watson-sponsored events and activities and pre-dissertation students (i.e., those who have not yet defended a prospectus).

The maximum grant award — for exceptional applications — is $5,000, but typical awards will be between $500 and $3,000. Applicants are encouraged to seek additional sources of funding depending on the scope of their project.

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Current GPD Spring 2025 Research and Training

As part of our focus on research, the GPD offers week-long, intensive training modules to interested graduate students in the social sciences. Register now for Spring 2025 opportunities. 

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