Wendy J. Schiller
Wendy Schiller is the Howard R. Swearer Interim Director of the Thomas J. Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, professor of political science, professor of international and public affairs and director of the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy at Brown University.
Schiller did her undergraduate work in political science at the University of Chicago, served on the staffs of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Governor Mario Cuomo, and then earned her Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. After fellowships at the Brookings Institute and Princeton University, she came to Brown in 1994. She teaches popular courses, including The American Presidency, Introduction to the American Political Process, and Congress and Public Policy.
Among the books she has authored or co-authored are "Inequality Across State Lines: How Policymakers Have Failed Domestic Violence Victims in the United States" (Cambridge University Press), "Electing the Senate: Indirect Democracy before the Seventeenth Amendment" (Princeton University Press), "Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government" (Cengage), "The Contemporary Congress" (Thomson-Wadsworth) and "Partners and Rivals: Representation in U.S. Senate Delegations" (Princeton University Press). She has also published articles in the American Journal of Political Science, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Studies in American Political Development and the Journal of Politics.
Schiller has contributed to MSNBC, NPR, CNN.com and Bloomberg News. She provides local political commentary to the Providence Journal, WPRO radio and RIPBS's "A Lively Experiment" and is the political analyst for WJAR10, the local NBC affiliate in Providence.
Wendy Schiller’s scholarship focuses on representation in American politics. Most recently, she has worked with Charles Stewart III on the Senate Elections Data Project 1871-1913, which is a study of the indirect election of US Senators in state legislatures (1871-1913) and the impact of the adoption of the 17th Amendment. The study is the basis of our book, Electing the Senate: Indirect Democracy before the Seventeenth Amendment (Princeton University Press, 2014).
Inequality Across State Lines: How Policymakers Have Failed Domestic Violence Victims in the United States, co-authored with Kaitlin Sidorsky.
Electing the Senate: Indirect Democracy before the Seventeenth Amendment, co-authored with Charles Stewart III.
"U.S. Senate Elections before the 17th Amendment: Political Party Cohesion and Conflict 1871–1913.” Co-authored with Charles Stewart (MIT) and Benjamin Xiong (Brown University). Journal of Politics 75 No.3: 835-837.
“Resolved the filibuster should be abolished (Con argument).” (Revised from earlier version) Chapter 14. In Debating Reform: Conflicting Perspectives on How to Fix the American Political System. Eds. Richard J. Ellis and Michael Nelson. CQ Press. 254-262.
Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government, Essentials. Co-author with John G. Geer, Jeffrey A. Segal, and Dana K. Glencross. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
1st Edition, January 2011. (640 pages)
2nd Edition, January 2013 (640 pages)
3rd Edition, January 2015 forthcoming
“The 100th Anniversary of the 17th Amendment: A Promise Unfulfilled?” co-authored with Charles Stewart (MIT). Issues in Governance Studies No. 59:1-12. Washington DC: Brookings Institution
“Howard Baker’s Leadership in the U.S. Senate: Lessons in Persuasion, Civility, and Success.” Baker Center Journal of Applied Public Policy Vol. IV, No. 2: 28-48.
"Senate Delegation Dynamics in an Age of Party Polarization." Co-author with Jennifer C. Cassidy. The Forum Vol. 9: Iss. 4, Article 7.
"Development of Congressional Elections" in The Oxford Handbook of the American Congress, Eds. Frances Lee and Eric Schickler. Oxford University Press.
POLS 0010 Introduction to the American Political Process
POLS 0820L Philosophy of the American Founding
POLS 1130 The American Presidency
POLS 2090I American and Comparative Political Behavior