Tyler Jost
Tyler Jost is an assistant professor of political science at Brown University. His research focuses on national security decision-making, bureaucratic politics, and Chinese foreign policy. His research has been published in International Organization, International Security, Journal of Conflict Resolution and International Studies Quarterly.
Jost’s first book, "Bureaucracies at War" (Cambridge University Press, 2024), examines how different types of bureaucratic institutions across the world lead to better and worse foreign policy decisions. He is currently working on a second book examining the role of peripheral states in cooperation between the United States and China.
Jost completed his Ph.D. in the Department of Government at Harvard University and held postdoctoral fellowships at the Belfer Center International Security Program at the Kennedy School of Government, as well as in the China and the World Program at Columbia University. From 2023 to 2024, he was the David and Cindy Edelson Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy and International Security at Dartmouth College.
Tyler Jost’s research explores the institutions responsible for national security decision-making. His book project offers a theory of the origins and consequences of national security institutions, coupling an original cross-national time series dataset with new archival and interview data from China, Taiwan, India and Pakistan. Other research projects employ qualitative, statistical and experimental methods to address theoretical puzzles regarding the politics of elite advisers, bureaucracy, and international security.
Diplomacy, Crisis, and War in the Modern Era
Chinese Foreign Policy
US-China Relations
National Security Decision-Making
Authoritarian Politics