Neil Thakral
Neil Thakral joined Brown University after receiving a Ph.D. in business economics from Harvard University's Department of Economics and Harvard Business School in 2018 and a bachelor's degree in mathematics and economics from Brown University in 2013. He is an associate editor at the Review of Economics and Statistics.
Thakral's research focuses on behavioral economics and applied microeconomics. He has investigated topics such as the spending response to stimulus payments, preferences for public policies, preferences for workplace amenities, the design of public housing policies and poverty.
Thakral, Neil, and Linh T. Tô. 2021. "Daily Labor Supply and Adaptive Reference Points." American Economic Review, 111 (8): 2417-43.
"The Design of Public-Housing Policies," More Equal by Design: Economic Design Responses to Inequality, eds. Scott Duke Kominers and Alexander Teytelboym, Oxford University Press.
Thakral, Neil. 2019. "Matching with Stochastic Arrival." AEA Papers and Proceedings, 109: 209-12.
MPA 2040 - Statistics for Program Evaluation
ECON 1629 - Applied Research Methods for Economists
ECON 1825 - Behavioral Economics and Public Policy