Ieva Jusionyte

Watson Family University Associate Professor of International Security and Anthropology
111 Thayer St, Room 209
Areas of Expertise Global Health, Human Rights, Immigration, Displacement & Borders, Law Enforcement & Policing, Race, Identity & Ethnicity, State & Municipal Policy
Areas of Interest US-Mexico border, security, migration, emergency medical services, crime, violence, gun policy and gun trafficking


Ieva Jusionyte is the Watson Family University Associate Professor of International Security and Anthropology at Brown University. A legal and medical anthropologist who studies, teaches and writes about violence and security, she is the author of three books, including multiple award-winning ethnography, "Threshold: Emergency Responders on the US-Mexico Border" (2018) and "Exit Wounds: How America’s Guns Fuel Violence Across the Border" (2024).

Jusionyte's research has been supported by the National Science Foundation and fellowships from the Harvard Radcliffe Institute, the Fulbright Program and the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center, among others. In addition to academic journals, such as American Anthropologist, Cultural Anthropology, and Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Jusionyte has written for The Atlantic, the Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe and The Guardian. She has discussed her research broadly in the media, including on the BBC and NPR. Jusionyte is the editor of the California Series in Public Anthropology and a member of the Advisory Committee of Global Action on Gun Violence and the Research Network to Prevent Gun Violence in the Americas.


Jusionyte’s scholarship explores the conceptual and material relationship between the state and various forms of violence. She uses ethnography as a method and a form of storytelling to examine the narratives, aesthetics, and practices that underlie security.

Based on fieldwork with Argentine news journalists and with Mexican and American emergency responders, her first two books examine the power asymmetries that underlie the legal and political construction of threats and the manifold social effects these discourses, policies, and practices have in communities where they are applied. The first one, "Savage Frontier: Making News and Security on the Argentine Border" (University of California Press 2015), focused on the production of knowledge about crime and representation of security as a process that is scalar and contested, in which journalists play a role in defining the meanings of both crime and security. Her second book, "Threshold: Emergency Responders on the U.S.-Mexico Border" (University of California Press, 2018), shifted to the materiality of security, particularly the importance of terrain, both the built environment and natural topography, in facilitating social and physical injury as two braided modalities of state violence. Both books approached state violence through the ethnographic and analytic focus on work — that of journalists and emergency responders — and the ethical, political, and legal dilemmas that workers grapple with because of their professional mandates.

Jusionyte’s latest book, "Exit Wounds: How America's Guns Fuel Violence Across the Border" (University of California Press 2024), follows firearms that circulate in the binational space between the United States and Mexico, both as policy objects and cultural artifacts. It is as much a cultural history of guns in two neighboring countries that share the legacies of colonialism and frontier violence as an analysis of the politics and economics that perpetuate the vicious circle of violence on the U.S.-Mexico border. 


2024 Exit Wounds: How America’s Guns Fuel Violence Across the Border. University of California Press. 348 p.

2024 “The Virus and the Border: Reflections on the Experiences of Emergency Responders in Southern Arizona.” In Voices from the Front Lines: The Pandemic and the Humanities. Katherine R. Peeler and Richard M. Ratzan, eds. University of California Health Humanities Press. Pp. 251-259.

2021. Jusionyte, Ieva. “Violence Exchange.” In Anthropology Now 13(1): 49-54.

2020. Jusionyte, Ieva. "Writing in and from the Field." In Writing Anthropology: Essays on Craft and Commitment, C. McGranahan, ed. Durham: Duke University Press.

2020. Jusionyte, Ieva. "’We All Have the Same Red Blood’: Security Aesthetics and Rescue Ethics on the Arizona-Sonora Border." In Futureproof: Security Aesthetics and the Urban Imaginary, D. A. Ghertner, D. M. Goldstein, and H. McFann, eds. Durham: Duke University Press. Pp. 87-113.

2018. Jusionyte, Ieva. Threshold: Emergency Responders on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. 296 p.


Ethnographic Research Methods

Law and Violence

Life and Politics on the US-Mexico Border

Ethnography and Social Critique

Senior Seminar: (Re)making Anthropology

Recent News

In an interview with the Guns Unpacked podcast, Ieva Jusionyte discusses the cultural and historical context of guns in Mexico, the connections between gun politics and immigration, and how the availability of U.S. guns shapes migration.
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Ieva Jusionyte’s book, "Exit Wounds: How America's Guns Fuel Violence Across the Border," received an honorable mention in the Luciano Tomassini Latin American International Relations Book Award.
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In El País, Ieva Jusionyte says Trump’s tough rhetoric on Mexico targets migrants and fentanyl but may escalate violence and exploitation by organized crime under stricter immigration policies.
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