Edward Luce
Edward Luce, US national editor and columnist, Financial Times. Washington-based.
Previous roles, Washington bureau chief, New Delhi bureau chief, Philippines correspondent, London-based Capital Markets editor. Speechwriter to US Treasury Secretary, Lawrence Summers, 1999-2001. Geneva Correspondent for the Guardian 1993-5.
Educated at Oxford University (1987-1990) graduating in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. Post-graduate degree in journalism, London City University, 1993. Stagiare (traineeship) at the European Commission, Brussels, 1990-1991.
Author of four books: In Spite of the Gods: The Rise of Modern India (2006); Time to Start Thinking: America and the Spectre of Descent (2012); The Retreat of Western Liberalism (2017), and the forthcoming biography of Zbigniew Brzezinski: Zbig: America’s grand strategist (Simon & Schuster, 2025).
Regular media appearances on Morning Joe, MSNBC, BCC, NPR, CNN. Weekly oped column and other features in the Financial Times.