Semin Ahn
Major(P) Semin Ahn, Republic of Korea (ROK) Army, graduated from Korean Military Academy as an infantry officer in 2007 (major in Korean history). He served as a Platoon Leader from 2007 to 2008 and as Company Commander from 2011 to 2012. He earned a master’s degree in 2013 from the Korean National Defense University (major in military strategy). He also earned a master’s degree from the US Naval Postgraduate School in 2014 (major in national security affairs). In 2015, he served at the US 2nd Infantry Division/ROK U.S. Combined Division as the aide-de-camp for the Division’s Commanding General. He worked at ROK Army Headquarters from 2021 to 2023 as a staff member of the Army Chief of Staff. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Chungnam National University in Korea.
Alliance Dilemma of the ROK-US Alliance and South Korea’s Future Strategy (bachelor's degree thesis).
The Catalytic Factor of the Sino-Japanese Security Dilemma: the New 1997 Defense Guideline for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation (master's degree thesis).
The Development of Anti-Access/Area Denial Capabilities for Achieving China’s National Military Strategy and its Strategic Achilles Heel (KCI / Registered Journal).
Analysis of Britain's Response to the Increase in German and US Naval Power (KCI / Registered Journal).
The Development of Anti-Access/Area Denial Capabilities for Achieving China’s National Military Strategy and its Strategic Achilles Heel (2014, KCI / Registered Journal, Journal of New Asia)
Analysis of Britain's Response to the Increase in German and US Naval Power (2022, KCI / Registered Journal, Journal of Military Arts and Science)