Jake Lunsford
Major Lunsford was a visiting scholar and national defense fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. He has previously served as an Arabic linguist with Marine Special Operations Command, platoon commander and fire support team leader with 2d Battalion 1st Marines, and special operations team commander and executive officer with Marine Special Operations Command. He received his B.A. in Arabic and Spanish from the University of Georgia, an MPA from Brown University, and an Associate degree from the Defense Language Institute. A Marine Corps active duty special operations officer, he has participated in combat operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and East Africa. He is the recipient of the Major Douglas A. Zembiec Combat Leadership Award, John A. Lejeune Leadership Award, William B. Lemly Academic Award, the Major Ken Bailey Honor Graduate Award and Bronze Star with Valor.
Hounds - Tom Beckbe Field Journal, July 18, 2022
A Fishing Story - Providence Journal, May 20, 2022
Reconnecting, together, to our environment (Study group with Alice Plane)