Volha Biziukova
Volha Biziukova is a social and political anthropologist. Her research interests lie at the intersection of state-citizen relations, class, consumption, and policies with a specific focus on the post-Soviet space. She received her PhD in Anthropology at the University of Vienna. Her thesis project was titled “Russia’s new middle classes and new consumption policies: changing consumption practices, forging strategic autonomy, and negotiating relationships with a de-responsibilizing state.” She has been recently involved in the research projects on the reception of the Ukrainian displaced people in the city of Vienna launched by the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM, Vienna) as well as collaborated with other research initiatives. Volha Biziukova has authored several academic research articles and pieces for general media.
Academic publications:
Biziukova, Volha, and Aliaksandr Bystryk. 2023. “The Belarusian Democratic Movement and Russia’s War on Ukraine.” PeaceRep Report: London School of Economics. https://peacerep.org/publication/the-belarusian-democratic-movement-and-russias-war-on-ukraine/.
Biziukova, Volha 2020 Uncertain New Middle Classes: Changing Consumption Practices and State Policies in Russia. East European Politics and Societies 34(2). SAGE Publications Inc: 464–484.
General media:
Biziukova, Volha, Ruslana Koziienko, and Anna Lazareva. 2023. “‘Arrival’ Infrastructures: Ukrainian Displaced People in Vienna.” IWM Post, June 2023, 131 edition.
Biziukova, Volha. 2021. “Condemning ‘the West’ and Redrawing the Realm of the Political in Russia.” IWM Post, January 5, 2021, 127 edition.