Sonia Planson
Sonia currently is a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University where she is affiliated with the Department of Sociology and the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. She received a dual PhD in sociology from Northwestern University and Sciences Po (France). Sonia is a comparative and multimethod sociologist of race, immigration, and culture, with research and teaching experience in both the United States and France.
The main questions driving my research interests are how norms around national identities and belonging are defined culturally and legally, how they are experienced by immigrants intergenerationally, and how race structures those norms and experiences transnationally. I have developed multimethod skills through U.S.- and France-based projects employing interview, ethnographic, archival, and statistical methods. I currently pursue two main streams of research—one focused on cultural citizenship, race, and assimilationism and another focused on legal citizenship and postcolonial migration. My book project, "Assimilation’s False Promises: How Immigrant Families Experience the Everyday Politics of Race and Belonging in the US and France," combines generational and comparative approaches to focus our attention on ideologies of assimilationism from the standpoint of immigrant families in the U.S. and France—a shift away from the conventional focus on immigrants’ assimilation under supposedly different regimes of integration. I have also published research on race, gender, and educational inequality in Sociology of Education and Poetics.
Planson, Sonia. 2023. “Considering Genres in Gendered and Racialized Cultural Capital.” Poetics 101:101837. doi: 10.1016/j.poetic.2023.101837.
Planson, Sonia. 2023. “Race, Cultural Capital, and School Achievement in Race-Blind France.” Sociology of Education 96(1):19–42. doi: 10.1177/00380407221139220.
The (Racial) Politics of National Culture